I have got my C = Create to work in inserting nodes.At this point I do not need to Update any nodes.My node represents a saved data object where I use the nodes properties to store each name value pair from my object. This creates a set of nodes with the correct properties from each object from my A...
Hello,I would have another very basic question - I will excuse for that but it would be a very important question for me.I have the task to add a form (name, surename, ..., submit- button) to an existing web page (the web page was developed by an external company) - actually a very basic task. Curre...
Hi,In our CQ instance, a GET request for libs/cq/core/content/welcome.html takes 23.8 seconds. Are there ways to troubleshoot the load time for this page? We tried 1. loading the page again after the initial try, but the response time is still over 20+ seconds. 2. tailing the error log and found ...
Wondering if it's possible to configure AEM so you can search for multiple items in the search field. For example, if I want to look for 2 documents at once, "doc1.pdf, doc2.pdf" would I start here? http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/extending/assets/searchx.html#Adding%20tabsOr is there ...
I am deploying the simplest servlet - keep getting the error when I call it from a web page using simple ajax call. (this works locally btw)Status 500Message javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: No child node definition for wcm found in node /binLocation invalid ...
Hello,I work with AEM 6. I have problem with LinkChecker, some links are shown as broken : http://www.successfactors.com/en_us/lp/new-hire-onboarding.html?Campaign_ID=20767&TAG=Q313_NA_AllSegments_OnboardingAberdeenReport_SAPCloud_web&CmpLeadSource=Web%20Site I have found the problem in %20 in url. ...
In the siteadmin open page action, I am trying to create a version of the page before opening.How do I create a version using js in SiteAdmin.Actions.js
[img]sling.PNG[/img],hi , i tried to connect database, the above code when i use in jsp its working fine . but now it showing error like bunble and framework cannot be resolved BundleContext dspService = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(DataSourcePool.class).getBundleContext(); .previously instead of this...