Hi Guys,I have successfully imported product data from hybris to AEM at /etc/commerce/products/outdoors/outdoors/en now I want to create new catalog using this product data and roll it out.I am not able to understand how catalog at /content/catalogs/geometrixx-outdoors/hybris-base-catalog how is cr...
Hi, guys! I need to solve problem:If there are active workflows for an particular resource (payload) new workflow start/creation should be rejected. I use CQ5.5 It provides checking only if workflows started from siteadmin ("Page is already subject to a workflow!"). I need that checking also for oth...
Hi, We're using CQ5.2 and finding a problem using fonts on the server. We have some custom fonts installed in \apps\xyz\fonts with a fontlist file, configured through Felix and confirmed to be in the GFX font list. However, the fonts do not render when we try and create a server-side image. Has anyo...
Hi! I've followed this tutorial to define a Google Analytics Snippet :http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/current/administering/external_providers.html#Creating%20a%20new%20Service%20with%20a%20Generic%20SnippetThe only way i've found to include the snippet in every page is: <cq:include path="cloudser...
Hello,I'm using DropDown List Component (fd/af/components/guidedropdownlist).And in generated HTML <select> with attribute size="1".Example: <select name="guideContainer-rootPanel-Panel1-guidedropdownlist___jqName" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; position: relative;" size="...
I have a classic UI dialog for a component, and now I plan to create a touch UI dialog for the same component. Is there a simple way to directly create it in AEM? If yes how?Also, I would like to know what is the corresponding option available for rich text editor in touch UI?
Hi, I want to start this discussion to know about the experiences about AEM Sites: Developer (AEM 6.0) exam. If anyone has completed this exam please share his/her experience about difficulty level, preparation material, topics to learn and other learning resources. As AEM 6.0 has lots of enhancemen...
Hi,i am working on form using mysql storing data and retrieving data .i followed below adobe document link.http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/querying-persisting-cq-data-mysql.html Issue:when i submit user details in my jsp it's connecting my package but not connecting my bundle (bundle...
If we drag out of box 'form text components' in our pages and if we edit the form text component and give constraintType such as name ,email etc (the constraints provided by out of box forms) clientside validations are not getting performed in my local for my page form text fields and even for the g...
Created a custom workflow and made a custom group as approver. When workflow is appreoved/rejected, status is showing is completed but still the current workitem is exist in the notifications of approvers group. When workflow is approved by admin, notification is getting cleared.As per my understand...