I have a requirement based on translation here I am using a bootstrap connector were I need to know, whether I am able to translate static image which has text in it.If so can you provide me solution.
Hi, I am a newbie to AEM and installed AEM dev tool for eclipse whose version is below. Eclipse IDE for Java DevelopersVersion: 2023-06 (4.28.0)Build id: 20230608-1333Added 2022-09 as well. Post installation, when trying to create new project in eclipse, after selecting AEM Sample Multi module Proje...
Hi, I am a newbie to AEM and installed AEM dev tool for eclipse whose version is below. Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (includes Incubating components)Version: 2023-06 (4.28.0)Build id: 20230608-1333Added 2022-09 https://download.eclipse.org/releases/2022-09 as well. Post installation, when trying...
We are enabling dispatcher caching on author (AEM 6.5 AMS). We have set enableTTL as 1. Caching is working fine for us. But the issue comes when we need to clear the cache on demand.We are using ACS AEM Commons Dispatcher Cache Control Header - Max Age. The cache gets cleared automatically when the ...
Hi Team, On a plain vanilla instance, we are trying create a component using bootstrap. AEM 6.5.18But the component is not taking the full width of the screen. Its not taking the 12 columns. When the same is loaded as a standalone HTML it takes the full width of the screen. Any hints to use Bootstra...
Hello We have facing compilation issues while compiling the project code based on archetype 45 in Harness pipelines. The same come is building in- local- Jenkins- CM pipelines Jenkins has static build server and we are deploying a fresh container in Harness every time pipeline executes.We have...
Hello everyone, can anyone help me understand with how we iterate through the master variation of experience fragment and how to create the variation using that programmatically considering that I am having the path of the fragment. Thank you.
HI All,on author , i have site structure for a country is as follows demosite => en(master) it de due to this using core language navigation component using this site structure to show website language dropdownalready pages are site struct...