Along with the existing jcr property for the component like componentGroup, jcr:description, allowedParents etc in \apps folder, we have defined few custom property. Those additional custom jcr property does not show up after we drag the component to the page. i.e additional custom jcr property mis...
I am writing a standalone script in java which is trying to modify some tags on my AEM instance. I am running into a problem when trying to get an instance of TagManager ( is what I have tried:Repository repository = JcrUtils.getRepository("http://localhost:4502/c...
Hi Folks,I Would like to know about the LDAP Installation for CQ5.6.1 If anybody knows the detailed steps about LDAP (at Server Level & CQ Level) , Please let me know. 1.How to setup LDAP Server (Windows Server2008/Linux) like configuring AD,etc.,?2.What are the requirements to setup an LDAP Server?...
We are using AWS with AEM 5.6.1. We would like to cache some of the data that we get from 3rd parties and DBs/Legacy systems. AWS comes with ElasticCache and we are thinking of using that. Is there any object caching that AEM provides out of box? Are there any recommendations around how to do object...
Can I create a hierarchy of sites that inherit content from parent site(s) using the AEM Muti Site Manager?I'm exploring the Multi Site Manager Live Copy/Rollout feature to be able to create a structure of sites where sites inherit content from their base site, to be able to accomplish a "Create onc...
Hi. I have a problem with DAM assets. They are fired every time when package is deployed to author instance. After deployment, CQ generates rendition, which takes about 3-10minutes. In that time author instance is almost unuseable (pages loads very, very long) I have aem 6 instance without any hotfi...
Code Cache usage is at 99% at /system/console/memoryusage in my cq instance.I am trying to increase the ReservedCodeCacheSize further. Please let me know if this will fix the issue.Please let me know if this will fix this issue.
Could someone point me to the documentation on Utils.require? I'm hoping there's an option to request unminified versions of the libraries for debugging purposes. I'm having trouble getting the videoscrubber to work and debugging minified JS isn't fun.
Hi,We want to setup a code repository and start using Version control with eclipse(AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse.) development of CQ components Can someone please suggest which one should we go for among various tools available like Apache Subversion, GitHub etc. or any other suggestion with som...