Hi,Personalization taglib provides some basic functionality to perform personaliztion.Is there any equivalent library available for Sightly?If not what is the recommended way to move forward?Thanks,
Hai,According to my understanding AEM includes a connector service for Microsoft Translator that is installed by default.Following the steps:On the rail, click or tap Tools > Operations > Cloud > Cloud Services.In the Microsoft Translator area, then click or tap Show Configurations.Click the + link ...
Hi,When installing a bundle via CRX Package Manager, is it possible to preserve original modification metadata:jcr:createdjcr:createdByIf we don't preserve the original values for these attributes, jcr:created will be a point in time after jcr:lastModified which is undesirable for us.
Hi,In CQ, some nodes use cq:lastModified, cq:lastModifiedBy, etc. to store the last modification time stamp and user.Some other nodes use jcr:lastModified, jcr:lastModifiedBy, etc. to store that information.If we edit a node, for example a node of type "cq:Page", using the JCR API and save it, cq:la...
When running VaultClipse, on the source files in a bundle, there is 4 files, 3 import correctly. But in the fourth one every line of code has "Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens" error. If I remove all white spaces before the beginning of the text on each line the error disappears.I assume ...
Hii I want to get Values to List Box from JCR nodes With out defining the static values.(for Example List of Countries to list box). Please help me for This problem.
The closest thing I could found is, com.day.cq.wcm.api.NameConstants but it of course doesn't contain a constant value for "cq" as well as "cq:PageContent".Thanks.
How GQL form the Query in Search.java File? I tried to Understand the existing Search Component. I can't able to Understand. Please Help me. I want to To know what kind of query it will return.
We have a maven content-package project and we import the same using the maven import wizard. However AEM eclipse plugin (released recently) doesn't identify this as a UI project. How do we convert the existing maven project to make this a AEM project?Thanks,Chetanya
Hi,Is there a way to disable cpu.sh and diskusage.sh by following the steps outlined in here, but not restarting CQ?Would restarting Adobe Granite Monitor Handler, after deleting the config nodes, be enough?Thanks.