Hi. I have a problem with DAM assets. They are fired every time when package is deployed to author instance. After deployment, CQ generates rendition, which takes about 3-10minutes. In that time author instance is almost unuseable (pages loads very, very long) I have aem 6 instance without any hotfi...
Code Cache usage is at 99% at /system/console/memoryusage in my cq instance.I am trying to increase the ReservedCodeCacheSize further. Please let me know if this will fix the issue.Please let me know if this will fix this issue.
Could someone point me to the documentation on Utils.require? I'm hoping there's an option to request unminified versions of the libraries for debugging purposes. I'm having trouble getting the videoscrubber to work and debugging minified JS isn't fun.
Hi,We want to setup a code repository and start using Version control with eclipse(AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse.) development of CQ components Can someone please suggest which one should we go for among various tools available like Apache Subversion, GitHub etc. or any other suggestion with som...
Hi,Does CQ have a built-in API for defining access rights to certain servlet paths (e.g. /bin/myservlet)?Is it possible to do this at a METHOD-level granularity (e.g. define that users in group MyGroup can have POST access to /bin/myservlet)?Thanks in advance.
Hi Eveyone, Adobe doc says its using Lucene Based Search. I have few questions on that ->1. No API(CQ foundation search API)/Jackrabbit API seems to call Lucence API internally within source code.2. Foundation search uses XPath query "/jcr:root[rep:spellcheck('jackrabit')]/(rep:spellcheck() for spe...
Hello friends,I am building a relatively straight-forward AEM component with a simple authoring dialog. At the top of my dialog is a select field. I want certain fields in my dialog to disappear when this select field is set to a specific item.I have studied the implementation of the Foundation Caro...
Hi, I am trying to write a custom that contains a gridpanel. This gridpanel loads some static data. And this is the code I have.When I load it, nothing shows up.[img]2014-08-11_9-32-42.png[/img] Can anyone tell me what the problem is?Thank you.Ejst.ContactSearch = CQ.Ext .extend( CQ.form.Composite...
I am trying to create a mapping for geometrixx.com, I have created virtualhosts entry for geometrixx as my.geometrixx.fr, my.geometrixx.de. When I invoke my.geometrixx.fr it is getting redirected to my.geometrixx.fr/content/geometrixx/en.html. Same is the case for my.geometrixx.de although I haven'...
Hi,I have configured a basic form with the "Store Content" action type and have added some default fields (some text, textarea ..) and a file upload field.When checking the data via crxde in the correct location, I can see that the file is uploaded correctly.However when checking the submitted data ...