Hi,I want to allow other web applications whch run internally within the company access to the content of some of my secured pages. Any suggestions on best practices on how to implement this requirement?Thanks in advance!
Hi All,I am following a tutorial from below URL how to create adaptive image componenthttp://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/current/developing/mobile/responsive.html#Using%20Adaptive%20ImagesI have checked my author and publisher instance however I cannot find the file /apps/geometrixx-commons/src/core/s...
Hi,I'm trying to develop a custom process step where it extracts metadata from from an XML file and stores it's values on a node. Just wondering what would the code beto implement the storing process and if there is a path name involved i would appreciate it as well!Im assuming you create a node bas...
I am trying to configure the Day CQ Mail Service for SMTP on CQ 5.6.1 using Gmail and while I have set the port to 465 and SSL in the config, it is trying to send using port 25 (and failing)Is this a known issue and if so, what is the patch for this?Config:[img]day_cq_mail_service.png[/img]Error:03....
Hi,I hope you can help.We are currently in the middle of upgrading from 5.4 to 5.6.1 and its all gone quite smoothly with the testing in the authoring environment. However, when the components are deployed to the publish server there are a lot of exceptions thrown. On referring back to the code all ...
I need to create new screen as like site admin/dam page in AEM.I have designed most of the parts except user management. PFA the screen shot. When I click on ‘User Admin’ tab, It should display the existing user management screen. Nothing new on this. So I am just referring AEM’s useradmin xtype.Fo...
Hi,I have this query to get a pagecontent node based on jcr:title property this way:/jcr:root/content/abc/def/ghi/jkl//element(*, cq:PageContent)[@jcr:title = 'config']When I run this query, I'm observing following kinda warnings in logs:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.property.strategy.Cont...
Hello all !I'm new to CQ5 and I had a good company training so far. Now I'm enhancing my knowledge trying to do some things by myself.I was going through the security check list on adobe website to create a deploy instalation of CQ5. One of the items was to remove Geometrixx example content.So I wen...
New developer here, just wondering what the pathname I would use if I were to implement a workflow on a folderor running a custom process step? I'm guessing if were to implement the workflow on the asset it be:WorkflowData workflowData = workItem.getWorkflowData(); if (workflowData.getPayload...