Is there a straightforward way to build a component that can accept another component being dragged on without a parsys? Eg, perhaps I define a "row" component that creates three regions, each of which can have one component added, and that component might be video player, image, text, etc. I'm curr...
Looking for some help implementing scheduled activation in a custom workflow. The only information i could really find was based on this post - - which described AbsoluteTimeAutoAdvancer. I attempted to implement this by copying the participant step in the defau...
Hican any one explain me in detail for the below linesCQ_JVM_OPTS='-server -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xmn3072m-verbose:gc -Xverbosegclog:/apps/cq/author/crx-quickstart/logs/gc.log -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dc...
Hello, I have a table component I have made that I want to include code at the beginning, but also be editable. For table data I have the following code <button onclick="cecontrol('row') ">–/+</buton><table border=" 0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%" id="row">I can put that in, and it w...
Hi All,Please guide on this issue Once login to Author instance welcome.html and tried to click Packages link on left side of welcome screen.After clicking , the URL points to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr.html: 404 Not foundActually it needs to point to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.j...
Hi, i am trying to include a html file in the FTL. it is giving Error reading included file content/www/us/en/x/y/jcr:content/rr.htmlThe problematic instruction:----------==> include "${model.privacyPolicyPath}" [on line 50, column 23 in /apps/x/xx/xxx/xxxx/content/legalagreement/er.ftl] freema...
How we can achieve the xpath query like path//element............[condition1 and (not(jcr:like(some tags)) or condition3 or condition4))]rep:excerpt(.) order by parameter by using group and predicate.Note: we need the condition not with jcr:like ( != is not working in our case)
Hi guys!I'd like to open a component dialog when I click a button or a link. Could you please give me some pieces of advice how to implement it? cq:layout rollover and editbar are not suitable for me.I've found out, that it is opened with this code:CQ.wcm.EditBase.showDialog(this, CQ.wcm.EditBase.ED...