Hi, Newbie question here. When using the query builder interface and get a set of results. I use something like this:for (Hit hit : result.getHits()) { ValueMap props = hit.getProperties(); String title = props.get("jcr:title").toString(); }However if the property is an array (such as props.get("cq:...
Hello All, I am new to Adobe CQ5 and I am looking for a way my users on my website could easily login to edit the page that they are on. I would like to create a link on the page that says to edit this page click here. After clicking on it they would be directed to login and then straight back to th...
Hello,I was wondering if there was a way to create some kind of component or macro that allows you to create a child page from the website, without having to go through the AEM or CRXDE.Basically, I want a user to be able to go to the website and for there to be a "add new page" link or button that ...
Hi Can anybody gimme query to get array values using querybuilder api i am typing this in browser for example i tried thishttp://SERVERNAME:PORT/crx/explorer/repository/crx.default/content/dam/cupp/publisher276627/500600973/2013/416279098/articles/101097155.xml/jcr:content/metadata/name:articlePage...
hi, im following this tutorial:http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-cq/using/persisting-cq-data-java-content.htmli finished already, but my persist.json.jsp doesnt seem to resolve the CustomerService class created in the tutorial, here is the error log:An error occurred at line: 8 in the jsp file: /apps/jcr...
Hi, Is it possible to apply a crop to a copped image. eg I have an image which when I load onto a page will create multiple versions of that image with different aspect ratios large, medium, small, thumbnail. What I would like to happen is when when I cropped the main image using the image component...
Hi,In CQ 5.5 I have configured in OSGI console the "CQ Mail Service" and the "Day CQ Workflow Email Notification Service" to get notifications for an approval workflow I have created.Everything works fine, but now, as admin I receive unsolecited notifications of "WorkflowCompleted" from the standard...
Using OOTB search component i want to display the latest modified pages , desc order, i.e last modified page should display first. Any suggestion will be of great help.
Hi All,I have setup my CQ workspace in eclipse and using maven to build the project. I am trying to compile a test java file:package com.mercer.taglibs.tags; import com.day.cq.wcm.api.Page; public class HelloPerson { private Page personPage; public static final String PN_PERSON_NAME = "personName"; ...