I'm trying to use S3 as the customBlobStore on a fresh install of AEM (run modes author,crx3,crx3tar) with mixed results.Setting customBlobStore to true in install/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService.cfg, then connection information/credentials in install/org.apache.jac...
Hi,I want to add few custom metadata field for the video files. Followed DAM documentation and created folder structure as 'apps/dam/content/asseteditors/video/formitems' but it is not accessing this folder, it is accessing 'apps/dam/content/asseteditors/formitems'.Any suggestions??Thanks,Kranthi
Hi,I'm having a bit of a problem importing a bundle and associated run mode config via vault in our prod environment (rightly of wrongly, but it works this way in other environments). Everything is deployed correctly under /apps (bundle jar is in /apps/<name>/install), but the bundle isn't present i...
Hi,If any changes published then CQ Dispatcher cache have the latest published content but in Akamai it is having the old content, that means no information triggered to Akamai if any content is published, kindly can anyone help me how to write trigger that if any changes published then trigger to A...
Hi, I want to take backup of content packages from crx and store it in my local disk on a weekly basis without curl command or shell scripts. I am trying to use pacakage manager api and automate the process using a scheduler but didnt get any idea about how to do this. Please help me in this...
I need to read and fetch values from an XML file kept in the DAM. The file is 111 MB in size and takes forever to unmarshall and then equally long time to find the value I am looking for.I am using JaxB to unmarshall the XML file and then iterating through the list. But most of the times I face time...
We are using Adobe CQ 5.6.1 for our project and we are facing issues with etc mapping. The attached etc mapping package is the one that we are using. On trying to resolve and map paths using this in the Sling Resource Resolver link – /system/console/jcrresolver, resolving and mapping is happening fi...
I'm trying to get a workflow to launch for nt:unstructured nodes within path /content/dam/(?!projects/).*/jcr:content/metadata for the condition dam:Fileformat!=I have 2 payloads that are launched by this workflow when I remove the condition. When I add the condition dam:Fileformat!=, neither payloa...
Hi,In the AEM 6 publish instance how do you change the default admin password. (I do understand that you cannot remove this account)I tried the "http://localhost:4503/useradmin" but this does not allow me the change the Admin user password.
We run CQ 5.6.1 on Redhat Linux and would like to switch to a shared datastore author cluster.The question is: how to best sync the datastore folder in the author cluster?E.g. is there any recommended or tested approach by Adobe, such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_Replicated_Block_Devi...