Hi All,I got service details to purge completed workflows and also I want to know is there any built in services avaialble in AEM to perform below things as well.To purge aborted or terminated workflowsAudit trails(/var/audit)Thanks,Kishore
Hi,I am working on eCommerce integration with Hybris. I am working with AEM 5.6.1. I have installed following 2 packages, cq-hybris-content-5.6.100 and cq-geometrixx-hybris-content-5.6.100. I have not installed cq-hybris-server-5.6.100 package because I have standalone Hybris server running. When I ...
Hi, gentlemen.I have the following scenrio:The website has hundreds of pages, and each of them need a vanity URL. This is because the content structure on AEM does not match the expected end URLs (eg.: on content tree the page will be at /content/<site>/<lang>/<product type>/<country>/<state>/<city>...
Hi , I am facing the problem right now with opening of pdf files . Whenever I provide a link to pdf present in dam using TextArea , it is opening the file in same window .Is there some configuration which I can do so that it opens up in new window or gives us a pop window asking us to save or cancel...
Good morning everyone,I know this is an easy question but I cannot achieve it.But I cannot achieve to show the preview mode like this:[img]Sidekick.JPG[/img]All the time the Sidekick in Preview appears only with the windows title and no more.The thing is that I am working with the DPS in CQ5 and I c...
Hey. My problem is: I've deployed my service successfully. "Services" bundle is active, I can call methods from my deployed service without any problems, but I cant see it in "Services" and "Components" tabs in my Felix OSGi Console. What should I do to make it visible in the "Service", "Components"...
Hi,I am using CQ 5.6.1 on AWS linux instance and am getting this error in my author server logs and it eventually stalls the server. I changed the permission of these files to 775 but am still facing the issue. Please advice.{code:javascript}15.04.2014 13:22:18.867 *ERROR* [Process Executor for disk...
I need to add a tab to content finder which provides metadata search capabilities similar to what we have in Scene7 UI i.e., search based on metadata fields such as name, keywords etc...Is there a reference or documentation that can help me do this? I am specifically looking for help on ext js.
Hi All,Please help me with below issue.we are using CQ Scheduler to fire a job on specific time but when we restart the server - then the scheduler is not running the job when the time reached.Details: Example:We are setting an event today and scheduling remainder emails to be send to the users on 2...
Hi All,I am new to cq5 and trying to understand how this could be done.Suppose I have hundreds of pages in WCM , which say has a value for the property "onTIme".Which is the best possible way to go ahead and delete the value that is set for this property on all of the pages.Do we have any query we c...