Hi,I have been trying to write a custom authentication service based on the form based authentication. There are a couple of problems that i am facing.1) Was hoping to find out the default configuration parameters of Form Based Auth but so far i have been unsuccessful. Can anybody shed some light w...
Hi thereI've encountered some problems with my bundle when it connects to the LDAP server. The LDAP server reached it's connection limit due to the amount of connections. This was because there were many Java Classes that opened a LDAP connection, and didn't close it again.Now the simplest approach ...
Hi,I am trying to create a similar page as that of geometrix press center page using query builder.But i am not able to get the assetshare.css in my page. So, the left and right side panel are not coming properly.I have copied all the classes from etc/clientlibs/foundation/assetshare.css to my css ...
There's a ton of info about how to boost properties in your search index but for the life of me it seems that when i put in these boosting configs... It doesn't seem to want to index the other properties that aren't specified. below is my indexing config that you can see where i commented the parts...
Creating a (rather basic) dropdown list as a customized xtype is resulting in strange behavior. Please find attached all the required screenshots and below the encountered behavior: an Xtype withe the name ejstcustom and to be used in a dialog is created and registered. Snippet of JS code has been a...
I am using ?debugClientLibs=true to see that my css and JS files are there in AEM. JS file is showing up in console(image attached) but when right click on page and see source code. It is not included in page .1. if js file is in console(attached image), then it should included be in source code. ...
In my bundle I am accessing Session like thisSession session=slingRequest.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class);I am concerned about creating possible memory leaks. My question is should I be doing session.logout() here after my bundle completes execution?
Currently I am able to send plain text email from CQ without using OOTB mail service.Now I need to send email in html format. The email template should allow author to edit the content like adding images from DAM and also adding components from sidekick.I am able to send html email but the image is ...
HiI am using the below link to export AEM users as SF leads.http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/administering/integrating-with-third-party-services/integrating-with-salesforce.htmlWhen I start the OOTB salesforce export workflow, it gives me an error as attached. Any Idea how to solve this issue.