Hi,I have created a custom widget in which i have a rte defined as below: this.textField1 = new CQ.form.RichText({ width : 'auto', "stateful" : false }); this.add(this.text...
Hi,I had a couple of questions regarding deletion and deactivation of nodes.Is there an API call for both deleting and deactivating a node?Apart from event handling options, are there any other ways to configure CQ5 so that when descendants of a node N are added/remove/changed on an author instance,...
I recently read a great article on apache sling models and I thought I would try to put it to use in AEM 5.6.1 but I am having trouble getting the dependecies and maven-bundle-plugin settings just right. Has anyone else tried this with success?
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) http://dispatcher/libs/foundation/components/adaptiveimage/clientlibs.js What is an issue ?
Hello, gurusPlease, let me know where I can get AEM 6 beta release. The official preview page http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/pre-release/overview.html has no links/references on obtaining beta release. We have AEM 5.6 licensed and available for download on Adobe licensing site. Do you know the ETA...
Last week we encountered a bug that took us a few days to fix. We had accidentally named an nt:folder node config and non-admin users didn't have read access to its children. Interestingly this node name had been chosen by one of our CQ5 experts. After struggling for hours and tearing apart all our ...
Hi All,I am trying out basic code examples in 5.6.1 AEM instance.For example, I was trying the article "http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/programmatically-accessing-cq-content-using.html" and it requires eclipse, jackrabbit standalone jar and it works fine.However, if I have to try som...
Hi.What should I do to save the host during url mapping?For example, I have link on the page: http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/en.html. I need it to be http://localhost:4502/en.html.In Jcr Resource Resolver I have Url Mapping: /content/geometrixx/</. But it produces the link without the host...
Hello, I have two questions: Is it possible to disable the free crop, yet, retain and use other custom defined crop configurations. We do not want authors to crop the image using the free form tool, but, should be able to crop based on the pre-defined crop dimensions. Is it possible to apply a def...