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How to save the value in workflow?


Level 4

Hi All,

I am creating a custom workflow, which has below steps


                1) Initiator


                2) pay unlock node


                3) activate Option


                        OR split

4A) Activate Now                     4B) Activate Later

5A) Activate Process               5B) Dialog Participation Step (Added calendar widget on the dialog path)

                                               6) Author select the date and time from the widget 

Now my question is

1) How to save the calendar value from step 6 workflow metadata?

is there any other way to achieve the above requirement?

please tell me how to proceed?




1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

I am writing an article that will walk you through exactly how to build a dialog for a workflow where an author can enter values into. For example:


This article will talk where these values are stored and how to get them in a workflow and use them. 


View solution in original post

7 Replies


Level 4


Thanks for your reply. 

When the workflow runs, author can select the date and time during the run time for activate later process.

Once author selected the date and time, then i need to store the value in the particular workflow instance metadata.

Once the value stored in meta data then i can read the values using 





Level 10

Are you taking about where the values are stored during design time? 

"Author select the date and time from the widget"

Like an AEM component, a dialog stores the values used by the workflow. See :  

http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/workflows/wf-extending/dev-steps.html#Example: Create a Logger Workflow Step

Look at the No Op step  - it uses a dialog:

You can extend that to meet you needs. The values are entered into the dialog are retrieved by the component using this code:

 String singleValue = args.get("argSingle", "not set");

So in your use case - create a custom step that exposes a dialog with the values that you need, Read the values that the workflow model designer places in the dialog and uses these values in your workflow step logic. 

Here is a community artilce that provides more info on How To create a workflow step: 


(this does not use a dialog however)


Level 2


Did this problem solved? I am currently building the same feature (activate later) into my own workflow but facing an issue capturing the absoluteTime data into metaData node. By referring to this URL (http://adobeaemclub.com/scheduled-activation-workflows/), "Have a custom workflow step that sets a workflow “metaData” with property name “abosluteTime” and value being the time in milliseconds", I used a dialog participant step, created my dialog with nodename ./metaData/absoluteTime, the input field to capture time was shown successfully during the workflow step but no data was capture into any node (checked etc/workflow/instances and the content path of the modified page). Anyone has any solution for this? Thanks.




Level 10

This is documented here:

Store Data with the Work Item

To store widget data as a property of the work item metadata, use the following format for the value of the name property:


The data is stored in the nodename property of the work item metadata. The data is preserved if the dialog subsequently used with the same payload.


http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/workflows/wf-ref.html#Dialog Participant Step


Level 10


Correct answer by
Level 10

I am writing an article that will walk you through exactly how to build a dialog for a workflow where an author can enter values into. For example:


This article will talk where these values are stored and how to get them in a workflow and use them. 



Level 4


Thanks for your replay.

Could you please share the URL?