Hello, I have a component that is included in SDI config with nocache. when I authored the component on the page, it worked as expected. but when the component is authored in template structure then it has some problems In my component model, I have this, @ScriptVariableprivate Page currentPage; i...
we have added workflow models in codebase under ui.content\src\main\content\jcr_root\conf\global\settings\workflow\models and ui.content\src\main\content\jcr_root\var\workflow\models. This was working fine. After downgrading file vault version from 1.3.6 to 1.1.4, getting below errors. Does anyone h...
Hi All, I need to add a colour picker plugin to one of my component richtext field so i tried multiple blogs but nothing worked out, can any one suggest some reference for how to add a colour plugin in aem cloud services. ThanksNandheswara
In my cards container component has multifield with title ,description,image etc Now there is one requirement that we need to extend the core image so that it will use image.html to render. Since card component will be having multiple cards with images how can i make sure that for images it is u...
I'd like to create a workflow launcher based on dates. If cq:lastReplicated is newer than cq:lastModified, then kick off the workflow. Is this possible? I'm looking to trigger this only when a document has been published and it should not trigger when a document has been versioned (that's why I'm tr...
I have been facing an issue for a long time with the following command: mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage Sometimes it runs and just works. Other times it fails with this error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) on proj...
Hi All,We have few pages with complicated content structure holding just static content. something like below.Most of the content sections in the screenshot above has hosted various static components with similar structure below.When i try to hit the page Logs indicate Node traverse threshold reache...
We need to provide a proivision in AEM Page for an author to modify/update the URL slug for exisitng pages without moving the pages to new location. Please help how can we achieve the same .
Hi, I added rte(rich text editor) to meta data properties of dam asset image. But I'm not able to edit nor save the properties as it is throwing error. It shows unable to edit properties insuffucient permissions.I checked permissions and all look good I have access and I'm able to save other pr...
Hi Team,We are moving from AMS to AEMaaCS and re-designing and implementing the components. Can anyone help us with documentation on which JUnit is recommended and also quick turn-around time to meet to 80% coverage?