Hi Friends,I have a requirement in my project to migrate the content/assets from Fatwire to AEM. I have planned to use JCR API for migration. I have the attached code in place that creates the content. I am reading the values(Fatwire metadata) from a text document. Also, I have set jcr:primaryType a...
i am using aem5.6.1I see lot of not found issues when collab comment component is added only in publish instance could you please let me know as how could it be resolvedI have added the below libs code to /appsi.e added /libs/collab/commons/components/comments/comments.jsp to /apps/collab/commons...
Hello All,I am not able to delete a page which is referenced in other pages, and when that reference is removed manually I am able to delete the pages. I have not faced this issue any time prior to this incident and this is happening in our client UAT environment not replicable in dev or in my local...
Hi,we are using AEM 6.0 plus SP3. We get the following error AFTER the installation of SP3.I have already tried to force recompilation of both compiled .java (deleted /var/classes) and .class (deleted bundle classes from FS) and to reboot the instance as well.Thank you.28.10.2015 11:34:22.016 *ERROR...
Are these search features supported in AEM 6.1 OOTB (OAK-TarMK- Lucerne) without SOLR assuming it is using OAK 1.2Predictive Search Spell checkingSimilarity Matching (Synonyms)StopwordsAuto Complete Trending SearchGeo Spacial Relevance (boosting) Please share links for the same
1) Where is the XSSAPI defined? I've included the <dependency> below from the depfinder# tool, and I still get the error, (shown below), when I attempt to run "mvn clean install" in the commons or content directory. com.adobe.granite.xss1.1.0com.day.cq.cq-xssprotection (107)<dependency> ...
How does one search for text in the javascript or jsp code inside of crxdelite. I tried using the home page and entering text that existed in a jsp, but it came back with no results
here is the scenario...1) when our image search returns results, we have custom code that allows us to hover over the image and see a tooltip of the image name2) this worked in AEM 5.4 but does not seem to in 6.03) the html div elements holding the image references and their attributes are identical...
In classic ui I was able to set a componentGroup to .hidden and authors would not see the component. In touch ui I am not seeing the same behavior although it is suggested elsewhere that it should work the same way. Am I wrong about this? Here is an example of one such component that is hidden in c...