I had an existing component-page in Classic UI. I've converted dialog compatible for Touch UI using dialog conversion tool. Now, when I open page in Touch UI, I don't get any option to open dialog console in Touch UI unlike in Classic UI where an edit bar get display to open dialog console.(specific...
In classic UI, we have listeners with help of that i am able to call function. I am now changing the same to Touch UI. I am able to customize the page properties and added validation of blank field. But not sure about the function call using create button.IN AEM Touch UI Page creation, I want to cal...
Is there any way to find out whether we have opened this page in Touch UI or classic UI in javascriptlike we have in classic UI to find out whether page is in edit mode or design mode.CQ.WCM.editModePlease suggest.
Hi,I am having problems connecting my localhost AEM environment to ExactTarget by following these guidelines:https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/administer/integration/third-party-services/exacttarget.htmlI have also setup an API Integration point with all read access (at the moment as I'm just t...
Hi,When we set a field to be required on asset metadata schema, when an asset doesn't fill that field the asset is displayed with a message saying that required fields are not filled and the admin user receives a notification about the assets with invalid metadata.Where can I configure which group w...
Hi ,I am trying to access repository from external java application using JcrUtils.repository = JcrUtils.getRepository("https://localhost:7502/crx/server"); this worksrepository = JcrUtils.getRepository("https://localhost:5433/crx/server"); this doesn't work exceptions: javax.jcr.RepositoryException...
Hi allI'm a little concerned about a problem I'm trying to solve out on one of our AEM 6.1 installations.Some data:. AEM 6.1 - author runmode - tarMK - file system datastore. Oak version: 1.2.4 (I'm going to upgrade to latest version, but for the moment we have this version) On a new environment (c...
Hi Team,I am using the custom carousel component provided in the libs/foundation in AEM. I wanted to fix the width property of the html for image in my carousel component.please let me know how to do?Attached the screen shot for your reference. RegardsPr@veen