Why is the asset.getRenditions() function in AEM only returning Static / Original renditions and not Dynamic renditions, even though I can confirm the presence of Dynamic renditions for the asset in the AEM Asset manager? Code Snap: private static void getDynamicRenditions(Asset asset) { List<Ren...
Hello, I am trying to understand the Run Modes precedence in Cloud AEM. I read the Adobe doc here, which provides a list of run modes like below: config (The default, applies to all AEM services) config.author (Applies to all AEM Author service) config.author.dev (Applies to AEM Dev Author service...
Hi Everyone,I'm getting error while building the maven project using the mvn clean install command, I'm facing this issue only after adding the Jsoup Dependency in my main pom file and core pom fileThis is dependency i added in POM file<dependency> <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId> <artifactId>jsoup<...
Hi Guys, Context Hub kernel can have a big impact in terms of network traffic and I would like to get your thoughts on how well ContextHub can be optimized so that the page load time can be taken care of. A couple of things could be - minification, caching the kernel.js, minimizing store loads ...
I have worked in 2 types of MSM projectsUsed BlueprintDid not use Blueprint I understand that the Rollout configs is available on Page only if created from Blueprint. But, need help to understand the purpose of using Blueprint. In which scenarios it should be used and when skipped?
Found this issue while upgrading my dialogs from Coral2 to Coral3 I have within one of my components a tab structure that begins like this<tabs jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/container" rel="cq-siteadmin-admin-prop...
Hello, I create a proxy Image component, is the same Image component but the only thing that I modify is the getSrc method (method that get the fileReference of the image and the render the asset in the image component), I add the Web optimized-image delivery methodOriginal Core Image Component Code...
Hi Friends,I am implementing context hub-based personalization in some of my pages. to achieve this I am loading the below resource on my page header<sly data-sly-resource="${'contexthub' @ resourceType='granite/contexthub/components/contexthub'}"></sly> However, as soon as I am enabling context hub...