I'm looking to see if it is possible to get a string of HTML from a service and execute the sightly parser on that string. We have a service layer that returns HTML and I'd like to be able to have sightly markup within that HTML for processing. For example using i18n ${'key', @i18n}.I've tried wrapp...
Hi,For an upcoming project our client wants to be able to share pages to non authoring-aem users for informal review. The ideal goal is to allow an author to share the current page as a link in a email to allow preview from the mail recipient.As this feature does not seem to be build-in AEM, we've f...
If I use the AEM plugin for Eclipse then the Archetypes available through it are all multimodule projects. Is there an archetype I can use to build single module OSGI components, such as an OSGI budle for use as a Servlet.In the past I could do this from the command line using$ mvn archetype:generat...
Hi All,As per my knowledge on Reverse replication functionality has be removed in 6.1. Any alternate way to handle reverse replication. I hope programatic way ie by updating the last modified, last modifed by and cq:distribute true still holds good in 6.1 for reverse replication process.Any detailed...
Hi,I have installed a fresh AEM 6.1, and service pack 1. Whenever I start the server, the following error message appears. The sites seems still working and as well as crxde.20.04.2016 15:25:33.345 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.home=crx-quickstart (command line)20.04.2016 15:25:33.354 *INFO * [main] ...
Hi All,I have newly configured publish instance and trying to to do a test connection but getting below error message.Replication test to http://localhost:4503/bin/receive?sling:authRequestLogin=119.04.2016 23:04:40 - Create new HttpClient for Default Agent19.04.2016 23:04:40 - * Auth User: admin19....
My client wants to display the node name instead of jcr:title in side the sites section of the admin console. Is there a way to configure this or does it require coding?