Hi All,I have a similar issue as described in this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31672975/null-pointer-exception-while-creating-junit-testcases-for-getresource-method-i , Any Solution for this?Thanks in Advance.
Hi AllCan we have rules mentioned to static agent so that it will extract the content onto disk as per the URL required and not as maintained within aem?For example, I've content in aem as http://test-aem-instance:4502/content/en_us/introduction.html. While static agent does extraction it will extra...
We use CQ5.5 and scene 7, the videos used to play for all mobile phones until some android devices are upgraded to OS 6.0. After debugging, we find out the videos doesn't work only for the Android phone with OS6.0, and works fine for all iPhones and Android phones of non-OS 6.0, the error message f...
Hi,I have created a user and added him as a member to content-authors group. I am not able to see the design mode for this user in sideckick or in touchUI. I am using AEM 6.2. Can you tell me if the ACL permissions need to be changed for this group?Thanks,Dhiraj
For my production publish environment "minify" is enabled for Adobe Granite HTML Library Manager.And while rebuilding the Client Libraries through /libs/granite/ui/content/dumplibs.rebuild.html tool, I am encountered with the following error:building /etc/designs/mysite/clientlib_base.min.js...error...
hi guys, I am considering to take some AEM courses. But I'm not sure will I get any form of certifications to prove I took them? Such as the AEM Sites: Author (AEM 6.x) course. Any ideas?
Hi All,I'm facing two issues while doing a poc on Campaign experience in CQ5.6.1.My CQ POC app uses jQuery version 1.8.3 ( but CQ5 has default 1.8.1 version) and clientlibrary includes other JS library like flexslider, jquery-ui, etc. And becomes/bundled in a single JS file named "poc-app.js".I have...
Hi,I am trying to generate eclipse project file but getting 'build failure'.Below is the error i am getting.[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.5.1:eclipse (default-cli) on project company-core: Exception while opening file.C:\videoTraining\company\company-...
Hi,We are about to migrate AEM 5.6.1 to AEM 6.2 (which will be in a different server) with CRX3. Few of my colleagues who were new to AEM world has attended AEM training and trainer mentioned that we need to migrate to 5.6.1 to 6.0 first and then to 6.2. Do we really need to follow this approach? I ...