Hi everyone,AEM 6.1. SP1 I got the following problem: - we have a page with a list of PDF's to download. A thumbnail is showed of the first page of each PDF - that thumbnail is cached on the disk as: cache/content/dam/sitename/1.pdf/_jcr_content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.140.100....
I have a code in java that sends byte[] to CQ servlet using POST. The code for sending is : URL url = new URL("http://localhost:4503/bin/services/updateslafile"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); String authStr = "admin:admin"; // encode data on yo...
Hi,We are aware that the ACL permissions are stored as Child Nodes of rep:policy of that particular node.I created a group authgrp and assigned some ACLs, Some of these ACLs are getting stored, while some are not.Ex: I assigned read permission to group authgrp on the /etc node using useradmin consol...
Hello Friends, We have a requirement, where we need to have Folder-Subscription-Functionality in DAM. For example:A user should be able to select images and folders and be able to subscribe/un-subscribe to/from getting notifications.A user should receive push notifications(and email notification) wh...
Hi All,I have a condition to be used in data-sly-test as below :data-sly-test="${(condition1 || condition2) && condition3}". This doesn't seem to be working as expected. Is the above correct and works fine in Sightly. If not, any thoughts/pointers will be helpful.
Hi,We have uploaded the assets in to AEM DAM with matadata values. The few metadata fields are globally common for other GEO in different language . Our requirement is to show the metadata fileds and values (both) as per GEO specific language. How We can achieve it in AEM?Thanks~S
Hi,Here is my use-case:1. Create a Multifield with a select and the textfield. 2. From the Multifield select(from above), the select options need to get dynamically populated. (I can not use the datasource, and only using JS script).3. When the user clicks the 'Add field', then only the Select dropd...
Hello,I wanted to detect if an user is logged in or not using sightly. I know because of this link: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/sightly/global-objects.htmlThat I have access to the currentSession from sightly. Sadly I cannot find any documentation on how to use this object, I was ...
I have a issue where my IT team has to keep rebuilding offloading agents. The problem occurs when we upload high amounts of XML content roughly about 50 000 - 100 000 files. Only OOTB workflows are being run on it (DAM Update Asset). AEM processes couple thousands of files extremely fastthen it even...