Hi Guys,Does anyone know the batch job that cq instance ruuning on CQ6.1 at 04:00 am? Or do you have any idea?Because of we cq server always occuped high cpu at 04:00am every day.I see the error log it's no any error information, and also use the java tool "jstack" to analyze the stack it looks not...
when I try installing a package or a bundle from maven to publish instance, I am seeing a below error[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.sling:maven-sling-plugin:2.1.0:install (default) on project testsite.core: Installation on http://localhost:4503/crx/repository/crx.default/apps/testsite/ins...
Along the top of Touch UI dialogs are a series of buttons. I need to configure the help button (leftmost) so it points to the documentation for the component. I see that helpPath is the property name I should use according to this example from Adobe. But it's not working, and instead always points t...
When I use PT or L flag, my URL shortening is not working. It only works with R flag. R flag is for URL redirecting, but I need internal rewrite. I am using apache 2.2 on Linux. I have mode_rewrite.so and mod_proxy.so in my modules directory.RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/content/dam...
Hi everyone,I am running AEM 6.0 and running the latest AEM plugin in Eclipse Kepler. I recently ran into an issue where I imported in an AEM project and I keep getting an exception when I wanted to sync the assets to the repository. I am running a local author instance."Failed exporting: JcrResult...
Are there any difference between client context and context hub ?why do we need 2 java script framework for personalization in AEM ?in which scenario they should be used assuming client context is there for a long time ?https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/develop/personalization/client-context....
Hello all, We are trying to activate the reverse replication, but we are facing some issues.When 'On Modification' and 'On Distribute' is active the content is replicated back to author, but deactivating a page, also deletes it from author mode.When only 'On Distribute' is active, none of the conten...
Hi,I followed the documentation on https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dispatcher/permissions-cache.html to configure the auth_checker to check the permissions. When I check the dispatcher log I see that the authentication checker is used, but the url is always called on the publish instance. Is it possi...