Hi Team,I have written a workflow process (com.mycompany.workflow.MyWorkflowProcess) by implementing com.day.cq.workflow.exec.WorkflowProcess. I have to trigger this workflow process programmatically? The only input I got is the workflow process (i.e. com.mycompany.workflow.MyWorkflowProcess) not ev...
Hi,I have created a HTML page with a form, and an OSGI service to save the data and send email. I want to know whether it is possible to call the OSGI service using Javascript or HTML without the component?The HTML page that I have created does not using the CQ template or component, it is just a pu...
Having run through the various development articles on customising dialogs and working with XTypes the examples always include sample js file that handles the dialog, and extends functionality when creating a custom XType.However, I find I get lost in points of the JS code as it is using Ext JS .Now...
For some reason ,I'm not seeing a component that should be displayed in authoring mode. My colleagues have not issues seeing this component. I have an Admin account so I would assume that should be able to access and see everything.Any recommendation on how to fix this issue. ?.
Hello Team,I have created a custom workflow component that takes input in the workflow model. I want to start this workflow without payload. Is there a way to do that ?
Hi ,We are facing one more issue based on the issue.import com.day.cq.wcm.api.Page;Page basePage = null;Iterator<Page> it = basePage.listChildren(new PageFilter());while (it.hasNext()) {LOG.info("the it {}",(String)it.next().getPath());}We find the page which has been checked for enable closed...
Hello,Have an interesting requirement:As a Senior content author I should be able to ADD/REMOVE/RE-Order and modify content of components in parsys.As a Junior content author I should be able only to modify content in components, NOT ADD/REMOVE/Re-Order components in parsys.This should work both in ...
Hi All, I am trying to change the default admin password. I referred to the kb article but that refers to old versions of cq. As per adobe docs 1)The AEM admin account needs to be changed2)The admin password for the OSGi Web console needs to be changedFor step1 when i try to click the change passw...
Dispatcher is unable to cache the pages on my DR server however similar configuration working on my local. try to create new cachefile: /var/www/Pub-cache/personal-banking/products/accounts/individual-savings-account.html[Tue May 03 16:42:52 2016] [D] [18412(140522128189408)] cache-action for [/pers...
Hi,The existing API on 1_relativedaterange for querybuilder is working fine if the associated properties is of the type Date.I have a requirement to filter the nodes search based a field called end date which is of the data type String. Is there any method to cast a string to date and could it be us...