Hi Friends,I have a question regarding deleting rolled out pages in one shot.Example scenario: Lets say I have rolled out a page from english to 10 english speaking countries accidentally and currently to delete those pages, I am going to each locale and deleting it. Is there any way we can delete a...
Hi All,Code is as below :public String execute(String url){try{HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();httpClient.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(this.timeOut);getMethod = new GetMethod(url);String encoding = Base64.encode(this.name + ":" + this.password);getMethod.setRe...
Hi Guys,I am trying to get the new name entered from the move dialog in SiteAdmin.Action.js which is overridden in apps( from /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.Actions.js). I tried using , form.findField("destName").getValue(); to get the name. This works fine in 5.6.1 but its not fet...
Hi Gurus , I'm trying to achieve a admin utility in AEM 6.1 where super admins can perform CRUD operations on a table or grid like component . The component will not need any dialog capabilities and am planning to host the page with this component under /etc . The result of the operations will simp...
Hi,Is there any documentation about strategies for migration from an existing communities site to AEM Communities?I mean to migrate the content and the UGC like comments. The UCG Migration tool can be taken as basis for this?Any tips are welcome.
Recently upgraded from 5.6 to 6.1 and we are now getting an error like this one for scheduled activations:com.day.cq.replication.ReplicationException: Version not found for path /content/...Looking at the versions in the sidekick on the page, versions and 11.26 exist. Howev...
I' making a component that required a rich text field in the dialog. It is working, but the properties maxlength and required do nothing for this field. I have them configured properly but I can add any number of characters and save the dialog with no text in my rich textfield. I did the component t...
Hi,I am using AEM 6.1 and I want to get the DataSourcePool reference. I am using the below dependency:<dependency> <groupId>com.day.commons</groupId> <artifactId>day.commons.datasource.poolservice</artifactId> <version>1.0.10</version> <scope>provided</sco...
A app that I'm working on requires a couple of additional fields be added to a user's profile:./profile/approvers (used to programmatically construct an approver group for use in workflows)./profile/contactReassign, ./profile/authorReassign -- used to change news articles listing the user as the aut...