Hi Team,We're currently using a Sling Model for an existing component and are attempting to create an identical component under a different name. Although the JSON data from the Sling Model is being printed(tried with add extra log) correctly according to the code logic, accessing the JSON data thro...
On-Prem AEM 6.5 SP 21 I'm building an application to create pages automatically based on an input file. I can get the page created, but the created page is not showing the sub-nodes (components) which should appear because of the use of the template page. I have read that in order to resolve this I...
Hi Team, I have created one report to list out the content fragment based on some criteria using sql2 query everything is fine except one, as soon as I open the report it runs automatically without asking about required user input. I am not able to understand why it is behaving like this. Please sha...
We are trying to set the cookie userRegionDispatcher when the dispatcher domain(https://dev-aem-www.samplerm.org/home) gets loaded but that's actually not happening. Please find the below rewrite rules from the dispatcher. We don't see any effect with the code(last line of the code piece) we have ad...
When I am deleting Content fragment from AEM 6.5.21 its throwing below error. Which I have found in network Tab.org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.RuntimeNodeTraversalException: The query read or traversed more than 100000 nodes. To avoid affecting other tasks, processing was stopped.org.apache.jackrab...
We have some data stored on the AEM content fragments which gets cleared out upon clicking back button on the page or moving out of the page. The modified user shows the logged in User irrespective of whether or not user clicked Save button option.Why is the data not persisted in this case ? Is it a...
Hi, we just upgraded to 6.5.21 and we see that when we try to delete any page from the sites, we get the dreaded Red "error" popup. error logs throw the following error org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught Throwable org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.RuntimeNodeTrave...
Hi,When we rebuild our client libs it is failing at 2 libraries 1) /apps/acs-commons/clientlibs/main.css...error: java.lang.StackOverflowError2) /apps/acs-commons/clientlibs/main.min.css...error: java.lang.StackOverflowError any help? we are in acs-aem-commons-all-6.4.0.zip version. and we just mig...
I have a requirement where a user group should be able to run a workflow on a specific page but not on any other pages. We can disable a specific workflow or all workflows for a user group, but how can we restrict them to only one page?For example, under /content/company/us/ , there are multiple pag...
I am trying to upgrade core.wcm.components package from 2.7.0 to 2.23.4.For some reason, the core tabs component does not show up the components that are configured inside it.When looking at the model JSON, the structure seems to have changed a bit. I am using the below AEM SPA packages"@adobe/aem-r...