Hi,When we rebuild our client libs it is failing at 2 libraries 1) /apps/acs-commons/clientlibs/main.css...error: java.lang.StackOverflowError2) /apps/acs-commons/clientlibs/main.min.css...error: java.lang.StackOverflowError any help? we are in acs-aem-commons-all-6.4.0.zip version. and we just mig...
I have a requirement where a user group should be able to run a workflow on a specific page but not on any other pages. We can disable a specific workflow or all workflows for a user group, but how can we restrict them to only one page?For example, under /content/company/us/ , there are multiple pag...
I am trying to upgrade core.wcm.components package from 2.7.0 to 2.23.4.For some reason, the core tabs component does not show up the components that are configured inside it.When looking at the model JSON, the structure seems to have changed a bit. I am using the below AEM SPA packages"@adobe/aem-r...
Hi Community, I have a requirement where I need to crop the text part of an asset or crop out the whitespace of an asset, these are generally for packshot product images where a certain part contains the text. As an example this image has the a text area where it has the Product name - fresh sugar l...
Hi everyone, I´m working in an AEM cloud project. I have configured my dispatcher to work as a reverse proxy following the next documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/content-delivery/pipeline-free-url-redirects so my dispatch...
Hi All, I am trying to create a translation job where the job gets created successfully but on trying to rename the job it usually keeps loading with 500 server error pointing to issue with granite.min.js. Also noticed console errors like DuplicateDefinitionError as below in coralUi3 when project i...
<dependency><groupId>fr.opensagres.xdocreport</groupId><artifactId>fr.opensagres.poi.xwpf.converter.core</artifactId><version>2.1.0</version></dependency> I am trying to add this dependency but it is unable to fetch from the adobe repo. Any idea, I know that opensagres is an external API which works...
I Am new to AEM. Doing migration from 6.4 to cloud there i need convert SCR Annotations to OSGI R6/R7 annotations .I Don't want to do manually changes like changing each and every file annotations. without doing manually changes is there any way it will convert SCR annotations to R6/R7 respectiv...
Hi All, I want to override the Asset Share Commons SearchConfig https://github.com/adobe/asset-share-commons/blob/develop/core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/commons/assetshare/components/search/SearchConfig.java. It already has an implementation class in AssetShareCommons (https://github.com/adobe/ass...