Hi All,We have implemented reports using AEM in built framework,we are able to run the utility without any issue in author instance but when we try to run from publish we are getting 403 Forbidden Error.I have performed below work-around to run the report but still getting same error.1. Logged in as...
WCM USE class creates a MAP from backend Service. resource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class).putAll(backendPropertyMAP); // Creates a MAP of all properties custom + authoredIn HTML <a ng-class="${properties.key1fromResource}" ng-disabled="${properties.key2fromResource}"> TEXT </a> Above snippet wo...
Hello All, I have configured AEM6.2 with SSL and is working fine but after I configured dispatcher 4.2.1 as per link: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dispatcher/disp-ssl.html. From the documentation, I followed the steps mentioned in CONFIGURING DISPATCHER TO USE SSL but connection to ...
Platform Version: AEM 6.2Something I've noticed after using the service resolver pattern for a few months now, is that unless my class is a @Service and can @Reference the ResourceResolverFactory, then anytime I try to get a service resolver, I get the following error:org.apache.sling.api.resource.L...
Hi,I have a basic example in sightly which is as below: In the logs the value of string 'value' gets printed but in the page it is not getting printed. Please let me know how to achieve this<div data-sly-use.component="com.adobe.cq.Component"><p> from java resource: ${component.value}</p></div>In my...
Hi,I try to use Impersonate as an author group user, but it show below screenshot, then I couldn't revert to myself.After that, even I restarted the Quickstart, it's no use. The page became error.Only when I clear cache &cookie...etc, I can enter login page again. It's very inconvenient. Is there an...
Here is an example of what I'm seeing in the logs:06.02.2017 12:44:06.231 *ERROR* [ [1486410246131] GET /content/business/enterprise/assets/gartner-magic-quadrant-for-cloud-infrastructure-as-service-2015.html HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo Failed to activate Use classjavax.jcr....
Hi,We are attempting to move a site that uses some interfaces from the com.adobe.cq.social.blog from AEM 6.0 to 6.2 I know that cq social stuff has been removed. We only use the blog api stuff around pages in our project:com.adobe.cq.social.blog.Blogcom.adobe.cq.social.blog.BlogManagercom.adobe.cq....
Hello community, using multifields on our dialogs is very useful, but sometimes when you have one with many items, its hard to add an item and up it to the top of the list on the multifield, because the normal behaviour of the button is insert a new item at the end. Is possible have two buttons add,...