I have 2 templates:/apps/uc-base/components/templates/content-pagesling:resourceSuperType: uc-base/components/templates/global/apps/uc-base/components/templates/globalsling:resourceSuperType: wcm/foundation/components/pageThe global template has a file named "page.html" but when the page loads, it s...
Hi,I restarted the server by stopping it, checked if any process is running and then started it again. It showed that it is started but the server is not up. I checked the logs and it shows the following error:GET / HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: Authenticati...
Hi,I try to find the documentation related to the Adobe Granite HTML Library Manager OSGI Configuration for the following parameters:- Long term client side cache key- Long term cache key formatThis seems to be related to the ACS commons feature Versioned ClientLibs but when looking on the document...
Hi,This is the basic installation of AEM and i've added nothing to it. I can't see any components on any of the geometrixx sites. I also can't see the parsys box to add components or toggle components on design view. If i go to design view i can't see any components and i can't access the parsys to ...
In order to increase performance in our production environment (AEM 6.2, servicepack 1), we want to increase min poolsize and max poolsize for org.apache.sling.commons.threads.impl.DefaultThreadPool. Pool default handles an enormous amount of tasks, with pool size 5. Pool default- used : true- min p...
Hi All, I am new to AEM , Can some one please help me in understanding Configuration Binding in Felix Console.When we Upgraded AEM form 6.2 to 6.3 These Configuration Bindings are not migrated. the value for this is showing unbound or new configuration. how do we include this value while migration( ...
Hi,Please help.I created an editable template and build and deploy into a pure AEM 6.3 environment without any issue. Now trying to deploy to an environment upgrading from AEM 6.1 to AEM6.3, the same package can't be installed due to the following errors:org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.Package...
Hi All, after upgrading from AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.3 , we upgraded uber-jar to 6.3 and seeing below issues in the logs.Issue 1:07.06.2017 14:00:45.009 *WARN* [Apache Sling Resource Resolver Finalizer Thread] org.apache.sling.resourceresolver.impl.CommonResourceResolverFactoryImpl Closed unclosed Resourc...