Hi,Is anyone using Angular 2 with AEM? I have gone through these articles but none of them worked properly.https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem_angular21.htmlhttp://keysandstrokes.info/integrate-aem-with-angular-2/http://keysandstrokes.info/integrate-aem-6-2-angular-24/I heard there ...
Hi,I missed the "Ask the AEM Community Experts Webinar: Building responsive layouts using Bootstrap and Angular JS" so I was wondering if there is a recording of it available?ThanksTheo
We have done an AEM 6.2 upgrade from AEM 6.0, post that any request to resource through SAML handler is redirecting to home page.for example : when resource request is for 'events' page like this is www.ex.com/system/sling/login?resource=/content/project/events.html it's redirecting to home page ins...
Hi all - I am new to Hobbes JS. I followed https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/develop/components/hobbes.html#par_title_4 and created a test suite with the following test case: new hobs.TestSuite("MyTestSuite", {path:"/etc/clientlibs/myFirstTestHobbes/MyFirstTest/myTestSuite.js"}).addTestCase(new...
I could not find a property to set lucene reindex frequency, however I could find reindex frequency for suggestion index.Does any one know the property? I could not find even in cheatsheet or in lucene documentation. Thanksvenkat
We are copying entire directory from one folder to other folder - we've two API's to do it. We can do it at workspace or using JCRUtil. Which one should we use and what are the use cases for each?We do see this error sometimes when we do workspace.copy() - unresolved conflicts (and fail during comm...
I would like to know how Headless capability is provided in AEM? Is it through RAPID (Re-constructive API for the DOM)? is this capability supported in AEM 6.2 version? please let me know. Thanks,Ravi Kandarpa
I have written some Hobbes.js test cases and would like to run them along side our deploy job to publish server in Jenkins. Is there a way to trigger these tests apart from manually clicking on the Run Tests button in Developer mode screen?ThanksSanjay
So we've been using AEM for years now. I went to download 6.3 for testing and I can't find it anywhere. It's not on the licensing site for us. Is there a secret handshake that's involved or am I missing something?much appreciated.-Jason
Hi,We are currently running AEM 6.1 and noticed that the publishing flow is able to publish locked pages. Ideally, we would like to stop this behavior because a locked page indicates that an author is working on it. Is this behavior normal in AEM? if it is, how can it be disabled?Amin