Hi Everyone,I have a scenario where i need your suggestions/information.Take a scenario where you've added a tag to a page and then deleted it. If you then go into that page to look at the tags associated with it via a UI, that tag will not show up. However, if you go into CRX/DE you will still see ...
We set the /statfileslevel to 5.Issue 1:content tree: /content/myproject/en/firstlevel/secondlevel/thirdlevel/fourthlevel/fifthelevel/sixthlevel/child pagesIf I activate the fourthlevel page, it is invalidating the fourthlevel page and its parent pages (until secondlevel). Because our /statefile is...
Hi,I have to connect to an SQL server from AEM. I have a bundle created with the SQL jdbc driver and installed on OSGi. and I have the connection uri configured on the felix console with datassource name mysqlserver.when I use the below code @Referenceprivate DataSourcePool dspService;DataSource...
Hi,I have a process step in a workflow that launches when a content fragment is created. It calls a custom process with the following code:public void execute(WorkItem item, WorkflowSession session, MetaDataMap args) throws WorkflowException {try {Map<String, Object> serviceParams = new HashMap<Stri...
Hi,Need your hep in resolving below exceptions: getting below exception post migration from AEM 6.1 to AEM 6.3 All bundles are in active state.27.09.2017 10:15:31.272 *ERROR* [ [1506500131064] GET /content/suninternational/properties/table-bay.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.Sl...
Hi,Anyone know how to hook to the copy-paste event in AEM? I want to create a custom code which listens to the paste event in order to modify all the children nodes' names. Appreciate if anyone know where is the client-side js and server-side for the copy-paste flow. Thanh
I have just installed an instance of AEM 6.3 for evaluation.From the crx explorer page at http://localhost:4503/crx/explorer/index.jsp,The links to package manager and crx de appear have an additional "/crx/explorer" inserted into themthe link to package manager is coming up as: http://localhost:450...
Hi All,I have a requirement where i am using accordion.If i expand accordion in edit mode, half contents of the expanded accordion and page contents below it is not visible due to window size is not expanded.I investigated the issue and found that in edit mode, by default an overflow=hidden; attribu...
Hi All,I am using touch UI RTE in my project. I have a requirement where i need anchor tag.It is enabled properly and showing anchor icon as well in dialog mode. But when it is rendered, its adding "id" attribute to <a> tag rather than "href".Following is the heirarchy getting generated from RTE:<p>...
This method it's correct slingRequest.getResoucreResolver()documentation in page : Developing AEM Components (Classic UI)Topic: Function of global.jsp, used APIs, and Taglibs