Designs are used for such cases if working with simple pages. I've tried adding /etc/design for Facebook Experience Fragment. I've added cq:designPath to the template. But I can't configure the right structure for this design.Right now my design looks like this:/etc/design/experience-fragment:_jcr:c...
HiI am using AEM 6.3 and i would like to setup TarMK cold standby according to :How to Run AEM with TarMK Cold StandbyI have :1. Copied the whole instance to another server2. Setup the runmodes on both instances "standby" and "primary"3. Created specific loggers for both instances.I have configured ...
i am working on aem 6.3 and would like to get page nameSELECT * FROM [cq:Page] WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE("/content/Product/Silhouettes/Accessories/Bands/Headband")If I need to retrieve name of the nodes using sql-2 , how do I achieve it?
HelloAm trying to figure out how can we reset the @property (scr version) or @AttributeDefinition (osgi version) values?For e.g. I have a simple component with a property greetingMessage and deployed the component to AEM and updated the value in /System/console/components using configuration manager...
Hi,I am using AEM datepicker (granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/datepicker) for our Promo component. This is injected into backend java.util.Calendar instance, where we have additional logic for the component. When the date is selected while authoring the page, the datepicker is setting th...
Hello,We have a few workflow models under apps which used to be triggered via code using startWorkflow in WorkflowSession WorkflowSession ("The Adobe AEM Quickstart and Web Application.").The workflow used to get called and started up fine in AEM 6.0 ..but not in AEM 6.3. The error in the logs is th...
Hi,I'm trying to install package "cq-geometrixx-all-pkg-5.10.68" through CRX and it throws me an error saying the following product have dependency, day/cq60/product:cq-content:6.1.76 day/cq60/product:cq-platform-content:1.1.250 day/cq60/product:cq-mcm-content:1.1.120 day/cq60/product:cq-dam...
Hi All,I'm working on AEM integration with Hybris. I need trial version of AEM 6.4 which supports JDK 1.8 , i could not see in adobe site for downloading the same (trail version).And also i need Plugin for AEM-Hybris Connectioncq-geometrixx-hybris-content-6.1.2.zipcq-hybris-content-6.1.2.zipCould a...
I have created mutlifield dialog in classic UI AEM 6.2 using fieldConfig widget (xtype=multifieldpanel).And it is working fine.But I get error when I do the same in 6.3 classic UI.Anyone please let me know why does this occur ! Or is this deprecated in 6.3 classic UI
Hello,is there a way to create a query (SQL, SQL2 or Xpath) in order to show the path and one property of the node in crx/de ?likeselect jcr:title from nt:base where jcr:path LIKE '/content/.....'and show in crx/de 2 columns Path and jcr:title.Thank you so much.