I've seen posts about issues using an HttpSession object for setting/getting attributes with AEM. Do those same issues apply to setting/getting attributes for a SlingHttpServletRequest? One post (non-Adobe) mentioned it affected Dispatcher caching, but not sure how reliable the source was. Anothe...
Hi All,We recently upgraded from AEM 6.1 to 6.3. The only aspect of Touch UI that is causing some headaches for our authors is the the managment of image fields in the page properties tab. They are used to being able to drag and drop from the asset explorer.What is the best way to add that part of A...
I'm working through an upgrade of AEM 6.0 to 6.3 I've hit a couple of roadblocks.First - Some clientlibs have gone missing and are returning 404:/etc/clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/utils.js/etc/clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/jquery/granite.js/etc/clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/jquery.jsThese were inclu...
We have a use case where the taxonomy is altered as per requirements and tags are moved (from Tag A to Tag B) by marketing team.This creates a need to publish all the associated assets (images/fragments/pages) associated with the above moved tag to keep author and publish in sync.But more often than...
Hi,Let us say, I want to build an AEM Mobile App, that behaves exactly similar to an AEM Web App and the AEM Web App was already built (it is up and running).Now in order to build the AEM Mobile App, what additional steps to be followed?Given that JCR Data is accessible in a RESTful way, do we still...
If a site that has a inherited column component (with 2 cols), and deleted this.Then when the master rolls out to this site, the page is empty, none of the components is showing.When we take a look at the nodes in crx, the first node colctrl has LiveSyncCancelledjcr:mixinTypesName[]cq:LiveRelationsh...
Hello All,I have a requirement to validate the value authored in a textfield inside a multifield. I am using ACS Commons multifield (multifield & multifieldpanel) to create the touch UI dialog. I tried using two approaches :-registry.register("foundation.validation.validator", { selector: "[d...
is it possible to change css on basis of template selection.all the components will be same.but css should change like font colour, size, bg color etc.i do not find any point of recreating components just because css changed. as backend execution even html classes id are same.please help for underst...
We're in the process of upgrading to AEM 6.3. Up until now we've been using the standard Touch UI foundation fileupload. The one with a sling:resourceType of "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/fileupload". The way we used this under 6.1 was to omit the uploadUrl attribute. This would preve...
When adding Annotations in AEM 6.2, the annotation shifts slightly down in location on the screen. This leads to arrows/circles being placed in the wrong location on the screen. Has anyone else had this issue before?