Hi Guys,I am new to AEM development. While going through a AEM video in article one question came to my mind. Their are 12 similar components available inside apps/core/wcm/components/${component}. What's the difference between components in v1 path and v2 path.Ex-: List Component-: /apps/core/w...
Hi,In AEM earlier versions, we had etc/designs where we used to put all our clientlibs. So to implement theming, we used to select the theme from page properties and apply the design based on css from clientlibs.Since AEM 6.4 does not have etc/designs and clientlibs ahve been moved to /apps folder. ...
hi,i am using aem 6.1i have aem structure as 1 author 2 publisher 2 dispatcher 1 load balancer.can anyone help me with session management.i storing one token in my session which is used through out.but if request goes to another publisher how it will get served.eg:access_token--> getting from servic...
Hi everyone, I am having problems to test Pages in my unit tests. I have the following code:Resource resource = context.load().json(PAGE_PATH + JSON_EXT, PAGE_PATH);Page page = resource.adaptTo(Page.class);The answer of adapTo is always null.I am working with SlingMocks, and this is my resource publ...
Hi Team,This is first time I am dealing with the shortening URLs or resolving URLs etc. I am planning to shortening the img =src URLS , Please guide me with few examples how to do it. Thanks In AdvanceUma
Hey After creating an AEM project following the steps on this link Getting Started with AEM Sites Part 1 - Project Setup i lunched the free trial aem version 6.4 and registered, when i am trying to browse http://localhost:4502/sites.html i am getting this error: org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper...
hi ,While working on my translation project in AEM 6.3 , I use the references panel to update/promote language copies to other languages from EN and to Synchronize/Roll out the language copies to live copies , however for all the system users the References Panel does not load properly and throws an...
Hi,First of all is it ok to set BackupDelay to "0" and run the online backup ?Also how can i pass the Backupdelay in the curl command.?curl -u admin:pwd -X POST http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/com.adobe.granite:type=Repository/op/startBackup/java.lang.String?target=/opt/prod_auth_backup/Fin...
Hello,I've been trying to configure SimpleSAML 1.15.4 in order to user the FileSender platform that I have installed on my computer.When I launch Apache services, I can get to the authentification page of SimpleSAML. Then, I type the user name, the password on the SimpleSAML authentification page in...