How can I get the current page path e.g. /content/site/en/pageName or the current component path e.g. /content/site/en/pageName/jcr:content/component from within a dialog field validator (foundation.validation.validator)registry.register("foundation.validation.validator", { selector: "[data-found...
i am working on customizing the assetlink share.I see a POST call to the backendand the data is stored in the path /var/dam/share when the dialog submitted.The call is as below:http://localhost:4502/content/dam/ee-help.adhocassetshare.htmlThe code is from i...
I understood on how set jcr:property of type date by doing thisCalendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();node.setProperty("publishDate",cal);How to add a property of type Date using Java? What it does is it sets property with Name and type date but value it takes as the current Local time.I want to upda...
Hi @llI need to adjust the config of the cqPageLucene index. In detail, I need to extend the path depth, where PageContent gets indexed. To achieve this, it's possible to add a node under /oak:index/cqPageLucene/aggregates/cq:PageContent/include4 with path=*/*/*/*/*.What is your best practice in thi...
Hi all,I'm using SPA SDK and adding custom React components to my pages. That's going great. I would like to know, has anyone successfully found a way to implement a layout container inside of a React component? I'm reading through the API @adobe/cq-react-editable-components - npm but not finding...
Hi,I need some extra metadata for the assets I upload in DAM to be populated in my asset metadata schema..ImagesOrientationVideosOrientationDurationFrame sizeIs this possible out of the box?
We are using querybuilder to retrive teh asset information from - /bin/querybuilder.json?fulltext=%test%5d*&orderby.sort=asc&p.limit=-1&path=%2fcontent%2fdam%2test%2f&type=dam%3aAssetAll of a sudden we have started getting errors the below error in our prod env. Dev, stage and local env are w...
I have requirement where not just one but all the users from same group has to approve the content for activating page.I have created a simple participant workflow.Validate Content is participant step with group assigned.In the OR split User of a group can reject(participant step) or Publish(process...