HelloMy company needs a demo installation to test a small plugin we developed for our client. Would it be possible to download a trial version of the software?
We have multiple authorable fields in a component, and out of those fields we see one field is not getting displayed in author dispatcher dailog box. but we are seeing the default value in the page when we close the dailog box.This issue happens in AEM Author Dispatcher only.Any idea why the authora...
Hi, A client of my company has a project in a private on-prem eviroment, and they said us that they want to migrate the project to the azure service. This work usually to do other companies for us, but now we have to do it. I was reading about this but i didn't find nothing really clear. When they s...
Hi! Currently, my team is using Ceros to build interactive content experiences. It's good, however, it doesn't have an AEM integration. Any recommendations for an Interactive Content Creation tool that DOES integrate with AEM? Thanks!
Dear Team, Issue : I have a file on this path http://localhost:4502/assetdetails.html/content/dam/we-retail/en/activities/hiking/abc.mp4, when I try to access this video file by direct link like this: http://localhost:4502/content/dam/we-retail/en/activities/hiking/abc.mp4, Video gets downloaded . ...
Hi, We are upgrading AEM 6.3 to 6.5. We have workflows that we need to restructure.We followed below link :https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/deploying/restructuring/all-repository-restructuring-in-aem-6-4.html#workflow-models However, we noticed that the runtime workflow m...
Hi,We have a requirement to add create logs in JSON format as Java logging best practice. Just like in Spring we can use ApplicationListener to listen to application and then convert logs to JSON format. Though I have written an Application filter which can add specific default attributes to logs th...
We have an app, where end users login to the application using SAML. Once logged in REST APIs are used. These REST APIs are hosted outside of AEM. Is there a way can authorize the REST API calls in the external system using login-token created during SAML login ? For example, we pass the login-toke...