Is it possible to add a session in cq:dialog which renders whatever data is supplied in the fields and previews it out in real time. In the simplest of scenarios, I need to add two numbers and when I enter both the numbers the cq:dialog should preview it's output as 4. There should be two sessions i...
Hi,I am facing issue in editing any page in AEM author -> Sites.I get the below like screen on opening any of the page in author for editing. (I get error in console as shown in the pic)Below is the Logs dump I receive in my erro.log file of AEM while loading this page:12.11.2019 04:05:40.232 *ERROR...
Hi, According to the Adobe docs on Communities Deploying Communities, "When the deployment chosen is a publish farm, then one AEM publish instance must be identified as the primary publisher".What is the implication of disabling the default enabled checkbox on a production publisher? We have for in...
When an image in DAM is moved from folder 1 to folder 2, we see that the content pages with references to the images are updated but the content fragments are not updated. Is there a way to make sure that anytime an image is moved, the references of the image in Content Fragments are also updated? T...
I would like to better understand the intended use for customizing the default metadataschema to add additional out-of-the-box Standard Tags form fields. I have been doing some testing with it and am confused by the results I see:I’ve customized the default metadata schema by adding a Standard Tags...
Hi All,I recently started using AemMocks and am still exploring. In one of the requirements, Sling models are implemented all looks fine till now. I started unit testing the same using Aem Mocks.Problem:I am unable to inject the service reference into the test class using 'context.registerInjectActi...
I'm using a server side script, tied up with sightly via use api. So, while checking the dynamic values of various variables I'm finding a bit difficult as :1. If the object is nested deeply, with lots of attributes , then logging (log.debug())at Object type level isn't effective. 2. console.log() d...
Hi,We recently updated to AEM 6.4.6 and it seems that the allowedTemplates property for /content/experience-fragments has no effect anymore as other page templates are also displayed when creating a new experience fragment. In AEM 6.4.3 this was still working fine.
HI All,Can anyone please help ? . it was all working correctly until i login last time . today when i tried tried to launch AEM author instance getting below error .any suggestion will be great helpthanks 09.11.2019 15:48:24.761 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1573332491343] GET /libs/granite/core/content...
I've got a workflow model that I want to run after DAM update asset finishes without modifying the DAM update asset workflow itself. I know that DAM_UPDATE_ASSET_COMPLETED event triggers at the end of DAM update, but I'm not sure how I can leverage this in my Workflow Launcher conditions. Is this po...