Hello,I would like to understand Adobe Data management platform (DMP) is same as Adobe Audience Manager (AAM)? or they are different? or Adobe has both products as separate Data management platforms? Please advise.Thanks,Prabakar
Sending servlet POST request using AJAX causes page refresh and even if the form fields are set to required it is sending the request anyhow and the response is received. The page gets refreshed on clicking OK on the alert window. Also the data is send via url without any encoding (http://localhost:...
Hi guys,May I know if it is possible for us to add a custom action button, for instance "Show Workflow" on the action toolbar in AEM commerce level as shown in the screenshot below?I have been trying to look for a good source around and I have failed to find one. I am also very new to AEM developmen...
Not logged in then can not to connect localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jspAfter login then can connect logs:08.10.2019 09:45:13.764 *INFO* [qtp1116131553-335054] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed by configuration - requesting credentials...
Hello All,I am facing a weird issue for a simple scenario. I am trying to add a new component I created (component1) under "/apps/settings/wcm/designs/myproject/jcr:content/mytemplate/contentArea" On the 'contentArea' node I have added a property "components" and value to be the path of the componen...
Hi,In classic we can drag and drop from dam but in touch ui we can only upload from local desktop.Please provide inputs as how to resolve this .If you have any custom code that will be helpful if i need to customize.Thanks
Hi,I am developing a PoC using angular with AEM 6.5, because we are thinking about developing our next project using AEM integrated with angular.The idea was to follow the tutorial below and then increment with another components.Adobe Experience Manager Help | Getting Started with Angular and AEM S...
I have working on AEM 6.4. User synchronization is working fine between two publishers with Sling Content Distribution , but UGC or any content not get sync to other publisher.