Hi, I'm trying to enable the Table of contents core components for my Aem Caas. I have created the filter as described in https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components/blob/main/bundles/core/src/main/java/com/adobe/cq/wcm/core/components/internal/servlets/TableOfContentsFilter.java . in pom adde...
Recently we have upgraded from AEM 6.5.9 to AEM 6.5.20. Until now all the multifield what is used in our project are "granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield", whose content.xml and jcr properties are similar to following:xml: <general_userFiltersjcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"sling:reso...
Hi. Recently, there was a issue in our GTM we were not receiving events from the website. We were unsure why this issue was happening as there were no major changes made that could have affected it. During our analysis, we realized that there was a conflict between GTM and the Adobe Datalayer, which...
Hi, I'm trying to make workflow title field mandatory based on a workflow model selection but my changes are not working. Not sure if i'm editing the right JS Tried as per below example but doesnt work. I m on AEM 6.5.15https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/make-w...
I am getting the following error when I try to deploy my AEM project on Cloud Manager. The following errors were found in the httpd config: conf.d/available_vhosts/default.vhost:12: included file (conf.d/variables/custom.vars) does not match any known fileI tried running the validator script on th...
Hello! As my organization (financial services) becomes more integrated into the adobe suite, one of the issues we continue to face is how best to facilitate review and approval of web content (i.e. articles, product pages, thought leadership, etc.). Currently, writers are creating a representative s...
Greetings, I am injecting a ResourceBundleProvider into a model as shown below. This works great, but I'm having difficulty writing a JUnit test for this class because I can't find a way to populate the ResourceBundleProvider during test execution. I am certain the problem is related to the Filter...
A sling model delegate was added for page and XF components similar to as in the example given in this blog - https://levelup.gitconnected.com/aem-extend-core-component-models-using-resource-type-association-and-delegation-b8855ed281e2 Now while including an SPA Project to the same AEM instance, SPA...
My dispatcher is making cache when I hit my publisher with IP. However when I hit the same page with domain which is localhost it is not making cache. Any thoughts ?
suppose i am dropping video component on page. while authoring that component i am choosing video path from dam as pathfield but it is supporting all extensions file type .i have to restrict it should support only .mp4 or mov file type. how to do that thing in AEM. As i am new to AEM please help me ...