through content fragment model i created content fragment after fill out the data in content fragment when i am clicking save or save and close button nothing is happening could anyone plz let me know what could be the reason or any solution for that.
How to compare two field one is in content fragment and one is in multifield of a component and display in a given order which is there in component and display in page.
below is the p tag for which i need to write condition <div class="pad-1-t pad-1-b"><p style="text-align: left;">${item.offerHeader @ context='html'}</p></div>NOTE- that checkbox is in page properties.
I have added superscript and subscript plugins in Rich text of content fragment but unable to add any other plugin apart from that can anyone please let me know how to add other plugins.highlighted plugin is source edit plugin
Hi @Mahedi_Sabuj @sherinregi Is it possible to implement text fields, richtext, image, video and collapsible field as a multi-level function in a content fragment?
I want to create a multifield in content fragment to combine two fields like text field and richtext field (multivalue functionality) how to achieve that?
Hi @Sady_Rifat We have requirement like link number as you can see in the HTML attribute tab like link number if we provide 1 and custom class name we provide something so if we have provided link number as 1 then that class name should get added to the primary navigation link in the first field wh...