I am getting archetype does not exist error while creating a project as mentioned.Details regarding the versions -AEM version - 6.5.0Service pack - 6.5.17Maven version - 3.9.8Archetype - 49 Command that I am trying to use -mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeCatalog=remote -DarchetypeGroupId=com.ad...
Hi, I'm in local environment, AEM services are strated but I have a error 500 on the cpoauth call.It seems to come from the "getAdminConfigs" method but I'm blocked... I didn't find the cause... Can someone help me ? POST /cpoauth.cpAccessToken.html HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.learning.core.servlets.FetchC...
In my quest for Application Performance Management (APM) tools compatible with AEM as a Cloud Service, I discovered that only New Relic and Dynatrace are supported. These two APM tools are the only ones with documentation available for AEM as a Cloud Service.However, when I generally look for APM to...
Hi Folks, I have two requirements in which 1.I have to display last successful login time on the home page when a user logged in to the AEM based website. 2.I have to display last successful login time on the logged in page when a user logged in to the AEM application (aem jar) itself. How can I...
Hi, Experience League Community -- We are looking to leverage AEM as a "platform" to power multiple business units, each with their own set of unique websites; and I wanted to ask if anyone had any advice on how we might use AEM most effectively, or feedback if you are potentially using AEM in a sim...
hi, I have content fragment created. It has master, sub-variation-one, sub-variation-two. Use case: change different fields in master variation, expecting changes to reflect in sub-variation. Based on documentation : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-65/content/assets/con...
Hi Community, I have been trying to find the way to connect AEM 6.5 with Adobe Analytics, I found tons of information about connecting AEM Cloud but not 6.5. I'm looking for this option in 6.5 but I cannot find it.Could you guide me through the documentation to do it?
Hi,I am trying to integrate Amazon DynamoDB with AEM Cloud, for which I added the below dependencies in core/pom.xml<dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk</artifactId> <version>1.12.767</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>...
I am trying to do AEM setup in my local device. I am using AEM 6.5 jar along with java 8, node 22, and maven 3.9.8I start my instance, and as soon as I install the service pack the AEM crashes with error 503, authentication service missing.Initially I was trying to use service pack 6.5.17, I thought...
Hi team, we have written a commit hook by creating a service class implementing EditorProvider, here is the class @component(service = EditorProvider.class) public class AssetMetadataEditorProvider implements EditorProvider { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AssetMetadataE...