We are on AEM 6.5.0 and have a content & XF structure as below /content/abc/language-master/en [Blue Print]/content/abc/us/en [Live Copy] XF/content/experience-fragments/abc/language-master/enIs it possible to create live copy for experience fragments (/content/experience-fragments/abc/us/en)-When I...
[Re-post from: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/accountmanagementservice-bug-or-not/qaq-p/366740/comment-id/4198#M4198] I was looking at the "AccountManagementService" as this function provide two nice features to validate users who can register themsel...
I have a couple of policies that need to be deleted from the layout container. Documentation I referred to are: Delete a policy , Using the document security webpages but these were not as helpful.
I intend to compress/Minfy my HTML output so that the html size becomes less which increases the performance . eg : view-source:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-dispatcher/using/getting-started/dispatcher-install.html lots of white space if you see the source code .
While creating Experience Fragment Variation Page having validation issue. In variation page I have 7 fields in that Field 1, 6 and 7 are mandatory fields Field 6 is -> Tag Field (cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield)Field 7 is -> Select Field (granite/ui/components/foundation/form/select) W...
I can see indexed data in Reports -> Data view, when I try to access the XML response it shows 0 results. I have created a pre-search rule, if query parameter has "Site=aemquickstart", then use a different template. Is there any change I need to do at template level to see results in XML response? h...
Hi, After indexing product metadata in Adobe Search and Promote, I noticed few image URLs are broken in Reports-> Data view. Is there are way in S&P to update the broken image URLs to default image URL after indexing is done?
Having a multi-country / language blueprint in AEM means having master and child publications.On a regular basis it's required to (re)publish a page(s) on all sites. Not specific ones, just where changes required right now. Means for the editor to click through ~40 publications and hit publish. It f...
Hello All, I'm trying to add the below property via java code to lock the page, after performing some operation. But, it's throwing ConstraintViolationException. Property I'm trying to add:pageNode.setProperty("jcr:lockIsDeep", true); Exception: javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Pro...
Hi,I would need need to replace existing textfield with richtext. Can I go ahead and replace it directly with sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext" in dialog?