My AEM platform contains 3 websites of which contains lots of content. I need to remove/add/modify content nodes in production without affecting content authors and their daily tasks. What is the best practice and best way to remove/add/modify content nodes without affecting production content autho...
Hi everyone, good afternoon.We have a custom bundle that wires up the whole AWS SDK OSGI package and export it, so the other part of application can take advantage of the AWS SDK as well. This is working properly, we have an AEM preprocessor that pushes some data to AWS CloudSearch. I'm trying to ta...
hi folks, I get hundreds of these error messages during authoring and I don't even use experience fragments! I tried to get rid of them by adding the service user mapping for experience-fragments-service via the console configMgr, which worked fine. However my attempts to do it via a conf file fail...
we are using TMS Translation Tool to translate the pages. we are reading Title Field of dialog and using the value to construct a URL. This URL is used as href link on one of the CTA. But I found that the CTA is not clickable for few translated pages. I have printed the title field in my java code a...
Hi Folks, I have to do a PoC for using a AWS S3 bucket as external datastore. The Instance I have is with AEM 6.1 using default CRX2 TarMK (all in segment store). From what I have read and understood, the S3 works only for data store, so to accomplish my task I have to:Use the crx2oak migration t...
Hi, I am wondering if there is a HTML based (or non Flash) Reader Extensions page instead of the Flash based interface. We will be no longer supported Flash in the browser and need another way to use this service with a non-flash based interface. http://servername:8080/ReaderExtensions/Welcome
May i know what we should use instead of /libs/mcm/campaign/components/campaign_newsletterpage below path in AEM 6.5, Since it is mentioned as depreacated?
Hi All, Is there a way to just copy the component and not its dialog element value ?we have a textfield which we are populating with random number and it should be unique for each authored component. But when I copy paste component, the textfield value is also getting copied. I am trying to find a w...
Hello Experts, I have a requirement to show custom login page and then on click of sign-in button on login page, SSO authentication to happen. As of now, SSO is working as expected with SAML integration i.e. on click of author URL (VIP) - request is redirecting to SSO login page directly or if alrea...