Hi All, We have a requirement to fetch values from data source in content fragment, and for that we need a completely new custom data type in Content fragment model. Any reference link/suggestions how could we achieve this ??Any help is appreciated.
Hi, Iam having a nested multifield and values are getting stored as json format in the jcr:content.However, '\' character is getting appended for the nested multifield values.Json Values:{"title":"page1","description":"this is description","ctaLinks":["{\"linkpath\":\"/content/maximintegrated/en/pro...
I am overriding breadcrumb component by sling:resourceSuperType and when I include breadcrumb.html with below html, it is failing at data-sly-use.component with below log errors. I have added following dependency to ui.apps, core, global pom files <dependency><groupId>com.adobe.cq</groupId><artifa...
Hi, I was trying to integrate Magento with AEM, but I was not able to find CIF GraphQL Client Configuration Factory on the web console. Could you please suggest what can be the Issue, Do I need to install any package, if yes please suggest where I can get it and the steps to install? Thanks,Heena
I am getting above mentioned error I am using below code snippet to get result from Magento graphql in Node JS:const gql = require("graphql-tag");const {ApolloClient} = require("apollo-client");const fetch = require("node-fetch");const{createHttpLink} = require("apollo-link-http");const {InMemoryCac...
Hello,I’m creating my new AEM site following the instructions of the link:https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/first_aem63_website.htmlAfter finish the article, I’m trying to work in the author instance, but I cant see the components (list, image, content fragment, text etc...) (see the ...
After we upload images into the DAM on our AEM production author (version 6.4.8) the preview for the image doesn't work and in CRXDE the metadata, renditions and related nodes don't appear under jcr:content for the image. (it does work in our lower AEM environments) Here's the error message: 28.0...
Hello Adobe Community, Wer're using AEM 6.5 and faced the problem that picker.html doesn't see the children under /conf/{someFolder}. E.g. this is the structure in crxde:And this is the result in UI (no children under these folders) (page properties, advanced):Console errors (not sure that they can ...
I find myself having to adapt to a legacy implementation that, upon upgrading to 6.5.4 and coral3 multifield, has stopped working. The current situation is the following: I have a container_component with a dialog made up of only one coral3 multifield, in which you can basically select how many inst...
Hi, I want to restrict the tags displayed in the tags predicate field. Initially I have overlayed the tag field from /libs/settings/cq/search/facets/sites/jcr:content/items/tags to /apps/settings/cq/search/facets/sites/jcr:content/items/tags and added namespaces property for whitelisting. But stil...