Is there a way to implement most frequent searched phrases through OOTB querybuilder or jcr query engine ? Or lucene .. We have two show most frequent searched phrases and I am wondering the best way to implement the same. Also, Is there a way to use Lucene query language in AEM ??
Hi guys, I'm changing the text content of RTE saved sending to POJO, catching the links, changing the language for contextualize them and then I print all text assembled to HTML again. This work perfect, the problem is about the links in the publish aren't externalized. I see the /content/project pa...
Website URL: Below is my code in the component of Free Html Content Area,↓<style>/* 適用於電腦螢幕*/@mediascreen{#motion-1{width:120rem;height: 90rem;}}@mediascreen and (min-width:1920px) and (max-width:2018px){#motion-1{width:112rem;height: 72rem;}}/* 適用於筆電*/@mediascreen and (min-width:1481px) and (max-wi...
Hi there,is the a way in AEM we can include an experience fragment on a page without including its css and js files, using HTLSomething like this, is there any argument to pass to ignore/exlude css and js file on this.<sly data-sly-resource="${ @ path="experiencefragmentPathHere", resourceType='wcm/...
Hi All, I am working on a migration project from 6.1 to 6.5. My requirement is to migrate static template to editable template and all the corresponding pages should be in accordance with that. I have converted all the classic ui dialogs to touch ui dialogs. Do i also need to create templates and pa...
I tried 2 ways to do a periodical background job. 1:sling job. This was executed on both local SDK and AEM cloud, but executed many times when the specified time come.2:commons scheduler. This is good on a local SDK, but this did nothing on AEM cloud environment. So I'm stuck.Either way, How can I d...
Hi all, I am following this topic at 1. Using Content Fragment and Editable Template, we could expose either JSON or end HTML to the Front End i...
Below is the code for my service and its : package com.aem.demo.core;public interface SimpleService{public String MyName();} : package com.aem.demo.core.impl;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;import org.apache.felix.scr.annotatio...
Hello All - We have an issue with loading the classic UI pages in our environment and this happens all of a sudden. We see the following errors in the console logs. The page is not loading properly. I see some blank spaces between the contents of the page. Can someone tell me what could be the cause...
My project has a servlet that runs in background (sling:bg = true as a parameter) the problem I'm facing is that the answer is limited as 3.43MB which creates 99 nodes on the the jobs node (/tmp/bg/jobs/b7e81f79-07d8-47d8-8b54-d87edf46d9a4/2021/03/18/19/03/5/stream/), someone know how can I raise th...