Hi, We have a custom solution in which we have a custom template for a project as well. We place it in /libs/<productname>/projects/templates/* from where it used in many places in the code as well. But after this whenever we place any template in /apps/<projectname>/projects/templates/* it is not s...
Hi Allwe are currently facing heap space issue on AEM.The leak was found and it was fixed with help of AEM documentation.1. Increasing heap memory2. https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/vmoptions-jsp.html#DebuggingOptions3. Use the flag "-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit" to over come the error. we...
background info: we are in the process of upgrading to 6.5 on an AMS hosted environment. They provided a sandbox area for us so we can test our custom code.problem: After merging our 6.4 and 6.5 code base, I cannot add components anymore.When clicking on a component, all I get is this:I also cannot ...
Hi, to show the "break inheritance" icon in page properties dialog you have to add the cq-msm-lockable property in the subnode granite:data.Example:<myCheckbox jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/checkbox" cq:showOnCreate="{Boolean}tru...
I am working on a change to extend AEM Touch UI inbox by adding a new column and show payload in table like we do in Classic UI. I know payload can be accessed by selecting item and click on view payload but requires couple of extra mouse clicks.I have not been able to find any helpful information r...
I am trying to understand how to use AEM for a digital signage network - how to use it to program screens in different shopping malls. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
I am trying to install AEM Forms Designer on my work computer. My team is using AEM Workbench 6.4 Designer and no one seems to be able to load it. IS 6.5 a web only app?
<sly data-sly-test="logic"> //Newly added logic <sly data-sly-test="logic"> //existing logc </sly></sly>Here I have wrapped the existing logic by a new logic and all of my existing content related to that inside sly logic got lost.Any inputs highly appreciate.
Hi I am currently experiencing a permissions issue under commerce, where I as an admin role can edit the proiperties of products, but users with non admin permissions can not.<HOSTNAME>/libs/commerce/gui/content/products.html/var/commerce/products/<PRODUCTS-LIST>I appreciate that there is a missing ...