Below is the code for configuring the scheduler. You can refer to the screenshot of the configuration @ObjectClassDefinition(name = "AEM: SlingSchedulerConfiguration",description = "Sling scheduler configuration")public @interface SchedulerConfig{@AttributeDefinition(name = "Cron-job expression")Str...
I am trying to add style to a tag generated from paragraph format plugin, like <p style="font-size:18px">some text</p>. Is it possible to do so? if not, is there any other way I can achieve the same, without forcing users to user both RTE paraformat and then style plugin?
$(".coral3-Multifield-item").each(function( index ) {}this loop is not working for the newly added items. $("coral-multifield").children("button[coral-multifield-add]").on("click", function() { $(".coral3-Multifield-item").each(function( index ) { console.log("add item"); })...
Hi, I am having one config "" and in that I am trying to set "set ACL for test-user \r\nallow jcr:read on /libs/dam/content". While deploying the changes in local, it gets deployed easily, but when I deploy this config with my codebase in AEM AACS S...
My project is using Bugsnag to catch errors in our AEM site, one recurring error is:ReferenceError/enContextHub is not defined The stack trace shows the following sequence of events: XMLHttpRequest succeededDOMContentLoaded Page LoadedPage ShownReferenceError: ContextHub is not defined [ { ...
I want to call a JS function when a new item is added to the multifield. I have tried: $(".cq-dialog").find("coral3-Button coral3-Button--secondary").on("click", funcName);doesn't call my function.
Hi All, What is the possible cause and fix for the alert "Your request could not be completed because you have been signed out. "? Thanks in advance @AEM
We just launched Brand Portal, and are having a process to have users onboarded via our HelpDesk But users keep requesting access via brand portal, even though we disabled that option in Brand Portal setup The "request access" link is hidden on the login screen, but if they try to sign up, creating ...