Hi All, Am writing one test case with RequestParameterMap, but it's throwing nullpointer exception . Below one is the code snippet . @testpublic void validateUserData() {Map<String, RequestParameter[]> params = new HashMap<>();params.put("firstName", getRequestParameter("firstName", "test"));params...
Hi. For example I have a path /en/example.htmlAt publisherWhen there is selector and suffix added to a url and become /en/example.1.html/test.htmlThe node is resolvable (from recent request) but empty page is shown This happens on the React SPA of WKND Guide.I also tried on we.retail and seems worki...
downloaded source zip from here: https://github.com/adobe/aem-guides-wknd/releases/tag/aem-guides-wknd-0.2.0 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.6:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) on project aem-guides-wknd.ui.frontend: Could not download Node.js: ...
I'd like to restrict editing on the top page of our site, as well as a few key child pages, while at the same time allowing users to edit pages beneath these key pages.For example:example.com/homepage is our parent page that we want to restrict access to.example.com/homepage/topic1 is a child page t...
Hello all, I am having an issue on AEM 6.2 after applying the hotfix 12875, service pack 1, and featurepack 12445. I have made sure all bundles are installed and active in system/console. When I go into the authoring mode to edit any site, I am met with the welcoming screen, that explains switching ...
HI,Is there way to disable minification only or Author but not for Publisher.We installed SP7 and it has issue with component edit and the solution is to disable minification of JS. But we don't want to disable minification in publisher as it will impact performance. The Apache Granite HTML Library ...
I have a form that has 4 dropdownsI would like the form to populate DowpDown #4 based on the selections in Dropdowns1, 2 and 3Currently:1st dropdown the user would select Mom2nd dropdown the user would select Dad3rd dropdown the user would select 1 childthe 4th dropdown would only display from this ...
Hi All, Came across an issue where the fetching of the segments from analytics to AEM is failing with the below reason. com.adobe.aem.global.core.services.analytics.impl.DefaultAdobeAnalyticsService response-----------{"error_code":"403010","message":"Oauth token is missing."} Code snippet used:fina...
I have a multified (say, list) and within that there's a textfield (say, title) which is set as required. Now if a user adds too many multifield section(say, product1, product2, product3) and then collapses all the sections. he filled in title field in product1 and product3 and missed to fill in 1 t...
When we add a annotation in the page and delete the annotation, the cq:annotations nodes are getting empty but the node is not getting deleted.Because of empty cq:annotations nodes we are getting below errors in logs. Please suggest. 08.03.2021 14:11:57.066 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1615192916863] G...