Hi,I created a tab component in which each tab has its own parsys. I am using a multifield xtype to add these tabs and then a new parsys area is displayed under the new tab. Now the problem is when i reorder the tabs, the content under that particular tab is not moving.can anyone please help me on t...
I have the below code:let fontField = $(".cq-dialog").find("#contentColor")[0];fontField.value="#ffffff";fontField.disabled=true; the colorfield shows #ffffff and as disabled. But after closing the dialog, I don't see the color of the font as white (#ffffff). If I comment the line of code having dis...
What is the recommended way to manage permissions on DAM folders? I see that users can create private folders in DAM and can assign users/groups from the permissions of the folder. Is this a good option to go with. I understand that permissions should be pre defined by dev teams with inputs from bus...
When I am clicking on the rollout page it is redirecting me to an empty page .Any solutions? When I checked in logs it showed me Unable to adapt resource of /content/upcoming-events/jcr:content/non-hero-header to type com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.RolloutHierarchicalObj
I am currently working on HeroBanner component and I am using reference for OOB Breadcrumb component which i made it non-editable. I tried changing "StartLevel" value to "4" in the dialog and design_dialog properties but it is still not working as expected, does anyone know any trick or code to over...
This document: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/devtools/aem-eclipse.html?lang=en#how-to-import-existing-projects says how to add the eclipse aem plugin, and how to create a new project, but the section on importing an existing project is blank.In eclipse when...
Hi Everyone, By default RTE Default typography is set to "Paragraph" and text color to "Black". Is it possible to change Default Typography and Text color? Thanks in advance!
I copied a sling servlet which had the path of /bing/demo/querybuilder @Component(service = Servlet.class, property = { Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=Query Builder servlet","sling.servlet.methods=" + HttpConstants.METHOD_GET, "sling.servlet.paths=" + "/bin/demo/querybuilder" }) In creating our o...
Hello, We are on AEM 6.4.8 and starting to setup unit test cases.I have followed the article: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/unit-testing.html?lang=en#creating-the-junit-test I have added all dependencies as mentioned in the art...