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Is any easy way to move from AEM on JEE to AEM on OSGI, we don't have workflow problem.


Level 4

Hi, all, my current AEM author is on JEE platform, however, now, we want to move our author to OSGI, we are using AEM Forms 6.5.8. Is anyway to just copy some folder and it will be done? We don't have workflow runnng on author. Just long as the bundles and packages can be "magically" copied over and work, then that's it.

I did some research, seems it is possible and not problematic. But just don't know how.

Please help.


6 Replies


Employee Advisor

yes,if you do not have any workflow. All you need to do is install AEM FOrms OSGi

Make a package of your forms/clientlibs in your j2EE environment and import that package into OSGI environment 


Level 4

How about the bundles? OSGI configuration? Any way to copy over the bundles/configuration/content package as single?


Level 4

Also, the users and permissions. 


Level 4


From this article, move everything from JEE to OSGI is quite possible and not difficult. Just they didn't post how.^_^


Level 4

I don't have workflow, workbench, desktop, it's a "black box" to me.


Employee Advisor

@DavidZhang There is no such thing as an easy way and but if you don't have workflows it would be relatively less effort to migrate. If you have TAM engagement you can ask him/her to get you help from premier support and review your environment and suggest a migration plan.