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How do we Internationalise date picker field with local languages in adaptive forms with AEM?


Level 3

Hello Folks,

How do we Internationalise date picker field with local languages for example Japanese ?

Meanwhile I followed the official documenation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/adaptive-forms-advanced-authorin...




7 Replies


Employee Advisor


You can configure translation for the date picker component in any of the OOTB languages such as Japanese and more.



Is this the requirement or something else?


Level 3

Hi @pulkitn ,

Thank you for the info, Does the Month name and Days Name show up in localised languages, I followed the steps given in Adobe document for i18n in aaf, I see the js is loading but its only showing english content.



@Pulkit_Jain_  Could you take up here ??


Level 3

Thank you that was a typo!!


Employee Advisor


You need to open the form with the browser locale changed to the actual language you're testing per se Japanese in this case.

Then you will find the Month name and Days Name show up in localized language.

Hope this helps!


Employee Advisor

system lang>browser lang>Form afLang param @kamalakannank62 this is how it will resolve and provided your browser have the locale support which you are trying to test


Level 3

This translation worked. But pardon me I didnt post the solution. The date picker will show translated lang only when you select a display pattern in dialog. With default display patter it wont show up the translation.