Hi,Does anyone have issues changing the tabbing order for accessbility in Safari?My issue is that in Safari when I use the tab button to navigate my adaptive form, the next selection is not always the correct one. Sometimes, whole sections are skipped.I do not have this issue in Chrome or Firefox. T...
Hi Folks,Using the Java API for AEM Forms output services (documentation available at http://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/javadocs/com/adobe/fd/output/api/OutputService.html) I am able to create the Postscript document. The problem I am facing is that, I do not know how to handle the Postscript retur...
Hi,how to give scp command in command line step of workflow to copy a file from server.need to give username and password in the same command .i have already tried the following commands :scp ${file} USERNAME@pqrs.xyz.com desktop/xyzscp ${file} USERNAME:'PASSWORD'@pqrs.xyz.com desktop/xyzAnd getting...
Hi Folks,The default save functionality provided for forms via the categories "fp.saveAsDraft" saves the form. The form that is saved when opened from draft, opens with the panel that was active when the user last clicked save button. I tried to figure out how the panel is made active when opening t...
Hypothetical: As a company if I did not want to switch to https from http due to the SEO value (knowing this could potentially be small, but would have a huge impact on next year's financial forecasting) is it possible to build responsive iframes around forms? If yes (I'm hoping this is the case), i...
I want to use this API to download files from AEM, but i don't know how to call it? Is it a webservice or other Remote Functionality?Anyone knonw the details?Thanks in advance.
With the inevitable march towards AEM and away from Livecycle, I was wondering if Adobe are planning to replace some of the core functionality that Livecycle provides like Watched Folders? There doesn't seem to be a nice automated way to do this in "pure" AEM Forms without writing your own folder wa...
Hi Folks, I have a requirement, in which I need to generate a custom guide component, that when dragged and dropped into the form panel should create a Communication related fields in the form. is it possible to create such a component like a fragment in Livecycle designer, if yes, how to do the sam...
Is one else having problems editing a AEM forms workflow component?I deployed the SPM_OffloadPkg_Test-1.0.zip package on my local AEM and for some reason I cannot edit the component. I can edit other non forms components.I tested it all my browsers and got the same result.[img]Screen Shot 2014-09-08...