Hi i have issue can any one help me .when i opening my webpages through site admin it's opening .But showing blank page.if i opened web page through crxde Lite /content page it's working fine .so help me what is the problem in my site admin page. Thank you
I like to create test classes which can be started on local system connecting to an AEM repository. To be able to use same code as running inside repository, I need to have a proper ResourceResolver initialized. Of course, inside a running AEM instance, I just get it from the SlingHttpServletRequest...
Last week the forum reported technical difficulties. Now its up and running again, but it seems that there are numerous posts lost. Will they be restored?
HiI have an XFA form with a change event handler on a field. When the form is rendered as a PDF and opened in Reader, the change event handler works fine.However, when importing the XFA into AEM forms, adding the field to the AEM form works, but the change event doesn't fire when it is supposed to....
I am trying to merge a PDF and XML to make an interactive PDF document. The next step will be to apply the RE key.For the merge data I created a standalone JAVA class as a package. The jsp is able to call the package, but I retrieve an error on line 74 doc = outputService.generatePDFOutput(inputPDF...
1. I have a form with multipart/form-data which posts to a servlet.2. The servlet processes the request and forwards to a page.I have written a custom servlet that extends a SlingAllMethodsServlet.In the servlet I am checking wether it is a multi part try { if(ServletFi...
Hi,How do we create a wrapper component to wrap the Text box, numeric field, radio button etc as a group.So that when we drag drop the wrapper component. all the wrapped components to be included on form on a single step.Suggestions pls.
Hi Folks,The url http://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/prepopulate-adaptive-form-fields.html details on how to pre-populate the fields of a AEM form, I have a requirement in which the user has to get the query parameter from the url and populate the filed of the form with that query param.Lets say for ...
Hi,we would like to render a PDF/A out of an xdp template and some xml formdata. The OutputService.generatePDFOutput(xdp, xml-data, PDFOutputOptions) should be the right api to do this. The specific adjustments to get a PDF/A should be handed over within the PDFOutputOptions object I assume. The for...
Hi,Could anyone educate me how to implement site search using AEM 6.0 ?Where we should use internal search of AEM or using external search tool is better and better in what terms ?Also, if external search engine is recommended then should we push content to search engine or the other way ?Thanks